Fall 2023 Enrollment
By Ethnicity
- 33,078 Total Undergraduates
- 13,187 Asian Non-Underrepresented
- 6,795 Chicanx/Latinx
- 6,484 White
- 1,320 African American/Black
- 156 Native American/Alaska Native
- 60 Pacific Islander
- 49 Asian Underrepresented
- 1,201 Decline to State
- 3,826 International
- 12,621 Total Graduate Students
- 2,728 Asian Non-Underrepresented
- 1,167 Chicanx/Latinx
- 3,370 White
- 650 African American/Black
- 68 Native American/Alaska Native
- 15 Pacific Islander
- 11 Asian Underrepresented
- 582 Decline to State
- 4,030 International
By Gender Identity
- 33,078 Total Undergraduates
- 18,123 Women
- 14,159 Men
- 437 Nonbinary
- 359 Decline to State
- 12,621 Total Graduate Students
- 6,002 Women
- 6,314 Men
- 157 Nonbinary
- 148 Decline to State
For more detail, see Fall Enrollment Data for New Undergraduates (updated each Fall term), Enrollment Demographic Trends (updated each Spring term), and Enrollment History (updated each Fall term). Fall enrollment data comes from UC Berkeley's student census, which is collected immediately after the 5th Friday of instruction each Fall semester and reported to UC's Office of the President.
2022-23 Degree Recipients
- 8,849 Bachelor's
- 4,380 Master's/Professional
- 840 Doctoral
This section shows degree recipients, excluding any rescinded degrees, for the 2022-23 academic year: Summer 2022, Fall 2022, and Spring 2023. For more detail, see Degrees Recipients by Major and Demographics.
Undergraduate One-Year Retention Rate
- 97% of Fall 2022 new freshman entrants returned in Fall 2023
- 95% of Fall 2022 new transfer entrants returned in Fall 2023
For more detail, see the Undergraduate Graduation & Retention Rates dashboard. One-year retention counts students who are enrolled (or, in very rare cases, have already graduated) in the semester that is one year after they first entered the university.
Undergraduate Graduation Rates
- Of new freshman students who entered in Fall 2017
- 81% graduated within 4 years
- 87% graduated within 4.5 years
- 91% graduated within 5 years
- 93% graduated within 6 years
- Of new transfer students who entered in Fall 2019
- 60% graduated within 2 years
- 75% graduated within 2.5 years
- 87% graduated within 3 years
- 91% graduated within 4 years
For more detail on combined Fall and Spring entrants, see the Undergraduate Graduation & Retention Rates dashboard. Graduation timeframes are elapsed time, not enrolled time. Spring and Summer graduations are grouped together in this data.
2023-24 Undergraduate Admissions
- Freshman Applicants
- 125,917 applied
- 14,715 of those were admitted
- 6,707 of those submitted a statement of intent to register
- Transfer Applicants
- 19,336 applied
- 5,550 of those were admitted
- 3,025 of those submitted a statement of intent to register
- Total Undergraduate Applicants
- 145,253 applied
- 20,265 of those were admitted
- 9,732 of those submitted a statement of intent to register
This data represents final Fall+Spring totals at the end of each annual undergraduate admissions cycle, for freshman and transfer applicants. It may therefore differ slightly from other numbers published earlier in the year.