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Degree Recipients by Major and Demographics

Download this data here (Last updated on Sept. 11, 2023)
Sources & Methodology:
  • Data comes from UC Berkeley's data warehouse reporting system, Cal Answers. Headcount figures are academic-year totals, including degree recipients who graduated in the summer, fall, and spring terms.
  • Students can have multiple majors, where one or more are STEM and one or more are not. As a result, the Overall Campus bar on the Highest % of Students by Major and Gender/Ethnicity pages overcounts degree recipients when you set the STEM Major filter to "(All)."
  • Students who do not provide information about their gender are assigned a value of "Decline to State."
  • The "Underrepresented Minority" ethnicity category includes students who self-identify as African American, Asian Underrepresented, Chicanx/Latinx, Native American/Alaska Native, or Pacific Islander. The "Asian Non-Underrepresented" ethnicity category includes students who self-identify as Asian, except for underrepresented groups. The "International" category includes non-US citizens/non-permanent residents; these students are not counted under specific ethnicities in accordance with federal reporting requirements. The "White/Other" ethnicity category includes students who self-identify as White or do not provide information.
  • An ethnicity value of "International" indicates demographic residency in accordance with federal reporting guidelines, which specify that international students not be included in counts by particular ethnic categories.
  • L&S Administered Programs: In addition to the major programs administered through L&S's five divisions, Letters & Science has agreements with several professional schools and colleges on campus for the following non-divisional undergraduate major programs: Chemistry; Computer Science; Data Science; Environmental Economics and Policy; Legal Studies; Operations Research & Management Science; Public Health; and Social Welfare.
Notes on Other Available Data:
  • This is a companion to the Student Headcount by Major and Demographics dashboard, which displays similar data on all students registered in a particular academic year. This dashboard, by contrast, focuses on degree recipients only. The registered students view reflects emerging trends sooner than the degree data, but it is also affected by different business processes in each college and school that might result in some majors appearing smaller than they actually are. For example, in some colleges (e.g., Engineering) most registered students matriculate with a declared major whereas in the College of Letters & Science students enter without a declared major. When students declare their majors after the Census data is captured each term, those majors appear smaller than they actually were. That is not an issue with the degree data since all students have a major at the time of graduation.
  • Another source for similar data is the UC Information Center Disaggregated Enrollment, Degrees and Undergrad Admissions dashboard and UC Information Center Degrees Awarded at a Glance dashboard, which compile data from all UC campuses.
  • The National Center for Education Statistics (often referred to by the name of their primary data collection program for postsecondary institutions, "IPEDS") also publishes data similar to this.