Part 2: Background

Concern About Cost

1. How concerned are you about paying for your undergraduate education NEXT YEAR? (Next year is defined as Fall 2016 and Spring 2017.)

Not concerned 125 16%
Somewhat concerned 256 32%
Concerned 177 22%
Very concerned 241 30%

2. Which of the following have you done in the past year or do you plan to do this year to meet anticipated college expenses?

Applied for financial aid 526
Asked financial aid office to reevaluate my application 169
Plan to buy fewer books than listed as required, to buy cheaper used books, to read books on reserve 408
Will take more courses per term to complete on-time or early 222
Will take fewer courses so I can work for pay 48
Will accept AP or similar credit instead of taking the course 74
Will take or have taken a community college course because community college courses are cheaper 321
Will take or have taken an online course because online courses are cheaper 54
Worked for pay to save for college 339
Plan to work for pay at least my first year 246
Requested a triple to save money 63
Will live at home to reduce expenses 96
Don't expect cost to be a significant problem 124
Other (please specify)
[Contact OPA for more information]

3a. Have you heard about the Blue and Gold Opportunity Plan, which ensures that scholarships and grants will cover fees for U.S. students from families making less than $80,000 a year, with financial need?

Yes 494 62%
No 301 38%

3b. Have you heard about the Berkeley Middle Class Access Plan (MCAP), a new financial aid program available to families in the $80,000 - $150,000 annual income range?

Yes 352 45%
No 439 56%

3c. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement: Given the grants and scholarships, if any, that you receive, the total cost of attending UC Berkeley is manageable.

Strongly disagree 78 10%
Disagree 74 9%
Somewhat disagree 91 11%
Somewhat agree 233 29%
Agree 199 25%
Strongly agree 120 15%

3d. Since you have come to UC Berkeley, have you encountered a situation where lack of financial resources kept you from having basic student necessities (housing, food, books, healthcare, etc)?

Yes 248 31%
No 547 69%

3e. Please select from the following list all basics you have foregone as a result of finances.

Housing 105
Food 163
Books 137
Health care 76
Other (Please explain below)
[Contact OPA for more information]

4a. In the last 12 months, did you ever cut the size of your meals or skip meals because there wasn't enough money for food?

No 463 59%
Yes, almost every month 131 17%
Yes, some months, but not every month 125 16%
Yes, only 1 or 2 months 73 9%

4b. In the last 12 months, did you ever eat less than you felt you should because there wasn't enough money for food?

No 461 58%
Yes 333 42%

4c. In the last 12 months, were you ever hungry but didn't eat because there wasn't enough money for food?

No 556 70%
Yes 238 30%

4. Is there anything else that you would like to tell us about the impact of the cost to attend on your educational experience at Cal?

[Contact OPA for more information]

5. When did you come to the United States to live?

I was born in the U.S. 462 59%
1995 or earlier 32 4%
1996 3 0%
1997 8 1%
1998 5 1%
1999 7 1%
2000 6 1%
2001 4 1%
2002 5 1%
2003 5 1%
2004 7 1%
2005 6 1%
2006 8 1%
2007 10 1%
2008 10 1%
2009 10 1%
2010 17 2%
2011 37 5%
2012 70 9%
2013 69 9%
2014 or later 6 1%

6. When did you learn to speak English?

English is my native language 422 54%
Before I was 5 years old 78 10%
When I was 5 years old 44 6%
When I was 6-10 years old 99 13%
When I was 11-15 years old 79 10%
After turning 16 years old 66 8%

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7a. To the best of your knowledge, where were your parents born?

 In the U.S.Outside the U.S.Do not know
Parent/Guardian 1 334 452 2
42% 57% 0%
Parent/Guardian 2 300 474 6
39% 61% 1%

7b. To the best of your knowledge, how many of your grandparents were born outside of the United States?

Zero 213 27%
One 46 6%
Two 93 12%
Three 27 3%
Four 409 52%

8. What is the highest level of education reached by your parent 1...

In the United States?

None (did not receive formal education) 55 11%
Less than high school diploma 31 6%
High school diploma 147 29%
Associate's or postsecondary certificate 38 7%
Bachelor's degree 116 23%
Post-baccalaureate certificate 6 1%
Master's degree 72 14%
Professional degree 13 3%
Doctorate 25 5%
Do not know 9 2%
Not applicable 0 0%

In a foreign country?

None (did not receive formal education) 15 4%
Less than high school diploma or equivalent 78 20%
High school diploma or equivalent 94 24%
Associate's or postsecondary certificate 24 6%
Bachelor's degree or equivalent 98 25%
Post-baccalaureate certificate or equivalent 4 1%
Master's degree or equivalent 34 9%
Professional degree or equivalent 11 3%
Doctorate or equivalent 18 5%
Do not know 22 6%
Not applicable 0 0%

9. What is the highest level of education reached by your parent 2...

In the United States?

None (did not receive formal education) 63 13%
Less than high school diploma 30 6%
High school diploma 145 30%
Associate's or postsecondary certificate 60 13%
Bachelor's degree 81 17%
Post-baccalaureate certificate 5 1%
Master's degree 56 12%
Professional degree 15 3%
Doctorate 8 2%
Do not know 17 4%
Not applicable 217

Outside the U.S.?

None (did not receive formal education) 19 5%
Less than high school diploma or equivalent 64 15%
High school diploma or equivalent 109 26%
Associate's or postsecondary certificate 44 11%
Bachelor's degree or equivalent 111 27%
Post-baccalaureate certificate or equivalent 5 1%
Master's degree or equivalent 24 6%
Professional degree or equivalent 5 1%
Doctorate or equivalent 8 2%
Do not know 27 7%
Not applicable 191

9. Which of the following best describes your social class when you were growing up?

Wealthy 14 2%
Upper-middle or professional-middle 127 16%
Middle-class 255 33%
Working-class 259 33%
Low-income or poor 128 16%

10. Are you a financially independent student? Some students have no contact with their parents, and therefore cannot use their tax information for filing the FAFSA. If you find yourself in this situation and have been formally declared an independent student, then please answer yes.

Yes 289 37%
No 494 63%

11a. To the best of your knowledge, which category includes the total annual combined income of your parent(s) before taxes in 2014?

Less than $10,000 27 6%
$10,000 to $19,999 54 12%
$20,000 to $34,999 63 13%
$35,000 to $49,999 40 9%
$50,000 to $64,999 32 7%
$65,000 to $79,999 43 9%
$80,000 to $99,999 65 14%
$100,000 to $124,999 56 12%
$125,000 to $149,999 24 5%
$150,000 to $199,999 26 6%
$200,000 or more 39 8%
Not applicable - independent student 289
Skipped branch-determining question about independent status 19

11b. To the best of your knowledge, which category includes your household's total annual combined income before taxes in 2014?

Less than $10,000 116 41%
$10,000 to $19,999 59 21%
$20,000 to $34,999 45 16%
$35,000 to $49,999 14 5%
$50,000 to $64,999 16 6%
$65,000 to $79,999 9 3%
$80,000 to $99,999 9 3%
$100,000 to $124,999 6 2%
$125,000 to $149,999 1 0%
$150,000 to $199,999 4 1%
$200,000 or more 2 1%
Not applicable - dependent student 494
Skipped branch-determining question about independent status 19

12. What is your religious preference?

Spiritual but not associated with a major religion 138 18%
Not particularly spiritual 80 11%
No preference 110 14%
Agnostic 78 10%
Athiest 94 12%
Baptist 10 1%
Buddhist 38 5%
Christian Church (Disciples) 45 6%
Eastern Orthodox 4 1%
Episcopalian 4 1%
Hindu 6 1%
Jewish 10 1%
Lutheran 3 0%
Methodist 0 0%
Mormon 1 0%
Muslim 17 2%
Presbyterian 10 1%
Quaker 1 0%
Roman Catholic 61 8%
Seventh Day Adventist 0 0%
Sikh 2 0%
Taoist 2 0%
Unitarian/Universalist 2 0%
United Church of Christ/Congreational 1 0%
Other Christian 30 4%
Other Religion 15 2%

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13. What is your sexual orientation?

Bisexual 53 7%
Gay/Lesbian 32 4%
Heterosexual 594 82%
Questioning/Unsure 16 2%
Self-identified Queer 17 2%
Decline to state 0 0%
Other (Please specify)
[Contact OPA for more information]
16 2%

14. With which gender do you identify?

Woman 429 56%
Man 328 43%
Decline to state 0 0%
Other (Please specify)
[Contact OPA for more information]
6 1%

15. Do you identify as transgender?

Yes 6 1%
No 772 99%

16. How would you characterize your political orientation?

Very liberal 131 17%
Liberal 262 34%
Slightly liberal 118 15%
Moderate or middle of the road 191 25%
Slightly conservative 47 6%
Conservative 13 2%
Very conservative 6 1%

17. Where will you be living this term?

Clark Kerr Campus 15 2%
Foothill 17 2%
Bowles 0 0%
Stern 6 1%
Unit 1 29 4%
Unit 2 (excluding Wada Apartments) 25 3%
Unit 3 (including Beverly Cleary Hall) 33 4%
Channing-Bowditch Apartments 33 4%
Martinez Commons 22 3%
University Village Albany (family housing) 29 4%
Wada Apartments 38 5%
Living with family 40 5%
Sorority or fraternity 4 1%
Co-op Housing 19 3%
Living off-campus in a house or apartment 441 58%
[Contact OPA for more information]
16 2%

18. How far from campus do you live?

On campus or less than 1 mile 331 43%
1 mile to 2 miles 165 21%
3 miles to 10 miles 127 16%
11 to 20 miles 66 9%
21 miles or more 84 11%

19. With whom do you live?

No one. I live alone 70 9%
I share an apartment or dorm room with at least one other Cal student 431 56%
I share an apartment with peers who are not Cal students 84 11%
I live with my spouse or domestic partner (with or without others) 71 9%
I live with at least one parent 48 6%
[Contact OPA for more information]
62 8%

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20. What is the composition of your residence hall or household while attending Berkeley this term?

 12345 or more
College students or other adults (count yourself as 1) 111 150 159 122 193
15% 20% 22% 17% 26%
 0 (Zero)12345 or more
Children or teenagers under the age of 18 (do NOT count yourself as 1) 588 41 32 13 8 9
85% 6% 5% 2% 1% 1%

21. Are you a legal guardian or parent?

No 698 90%
Yes 75 10%

22a. How many children or dependents do you care for?

1 28 62%
2 14 31%
3 2 4%
4 1 2%
5 or more 0 0%

22b. How many of your dependents are under the age of 18?

None 10 23%
1 20 46%
2 11 25%
3 3 7%
4 0 0%
5 or more 0 0%

23. Please indicate whether or not you are a Theme Program resident and, if so, which program you are a part of (choose one):

I am not a Theme Program resident 709 98%
African American Theme Program (AATP) 3 0%
Asian Pacific American Theme House (APATH) 3 0%
Casa Magdalena Mora (CASA) 1 0%
Global Environment Theme Program (GETH) 1 0%
Native American Theme Program (NATP) 2 0%
Unity House 2 0%
Women in Science & Engineering (WiSE) 0 0%

24. During your first year at Berkeley, how often do you expect each of the following to be obstacles to your school work or academic success?

 Not at allRarelyOccasionallyFrequentlyAll the time
Competing job responsibilities (i.e., paid employment) 246 101 211 144 50
33% 13% 28% 19% 7%
Competing family responsibilities 205 182 214 97 50
27% 24% 29% 13% 7%
Other competing responsibilities (e.g., athletics, clubs, internship) 172 159 238 145 37
23% 21% 32% 19% 5%
Weak spoken English skills 516 80 91 41 24
69% 11% 12% 6% 3%
Weak writing skills 392 137 145 53 27
52% 18% 19% 7% 4%
Weak math skills 362 188 135 48 17
48% 25% 18% 6% 2%
Inadequate study skills (e.g., knowing how to start, knowing how to get help, organizing material) 215 221 207 78 29
29% 30% 28% 10% 4%
Poor study behaviors (e.g., wait till last minute, easily distracted, too much social time, too much web surfing) 173 192 241 95 52
23% 26% 32% 13% 7%
Bad study environment (e.g., noisy roommate, poor Internet access, inadequate computer or software) 188 232 209 92 30
25% 31% 28% 12% 4%
Poor library research skills 221 275 184 49 24
29% 37% 24% 7% 3%
Feeling depressed, stressed, or upset 116 135 259 157 83
16% 18% 35% 21% 11%
Physical illness or condition 257 287 127 53 30
34% 38% 17% 7% 4%

25. In general, I consider myself:

1 - Not a very happy person 22 3%
2 35 5%
3 64 8%
4 115 15%
5 207 27%
6 221 29%
7 - A very happy person 99 13%

26. In the past 3 months, compared to most of my peers, I consider myself:

1 - Less happy 56 7%
2 52 7%
3 84 11%
4 160 21%
5 164 22%
6 151 20%
7 - More happy 96 13%

27. Whom can you really count on to help you feel better when you are feeling upset?

Friends nearby 417
Friends that are not nearby (e.g., home or high school friends) 391
Boyfriend or girlfriend, partner, spouse or significant other 322
Teachers, coaches 91
Parents, guardians 400
Siblings 302
Other family 137
Clergy 21
Counselors, therapists 87
UCB student services support staff (counselor, advisor, etc.) 78
No one (else) / myself only 58
Other (please specify)
[Contact OPA for more information]

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28. In general, how satisfied are you with how available these people are to you?

Very dissatisfied 47 7%
Fairly dissatisfied 54 8%
A little dissatisfied 65 9%
A little satisfied 79 11%
Fairly satisfied 258 37%
Very satisfied 202 29%

29. Overall, how satisfied are you with the support that you have?

Very dissatisfied 39 5%
Fairly dissatisfied 73 10%
A little dissatisfied 63 8%
A little satisfied 88 12%
Fairly satisfied 281 38%
Very satisfied 202 27%

30. Do you know that all Berkeley students are eligible for up to 5 free counseling visits at Tang Center-University Health Services regardless of whether they have Berkeley SHIP (Student Health Insurance Plan)?

Yes 407 54%
No 354 47%

31a. Have you utilized any of the following University resources for EMOTIONAL support since coming to Berkeley?
(Check all that apply)

African American Student Development 3
Asian Pacific American Student Development 8
Chicano/Latino Student Development 5
Multicultural Community Center 5
Multicultural Immigrant Student Program 2
Native American Student Development 0
The Student Learning Center 20
Theme program RD's 0
No, none of these 715

31b. Have you utilized any of the following University resources for ACADEMIC support since coming to Berkeley?
(Check all that apply)

African American Student Development 2
Asian Pacific American Student Development 6
Chicano/Latino Student Development 6
Multicultural Community Center 6
Multicultural Immigrant Student Program 2
Native American Student Development 4
The Student Learning Center 110
Theme program RD's 0
No, none of these 626

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