2015 SONS Freshmen - Part 1: Early Experiences

Transition into UC Berkeley
Academic and Personal Development
Berkeley Plans
Future Plans and Aspirations
High School Experiences

Transition into UC Berkeley

1. Please rate the start of your Berkeley experience by completing the following statement. Overall, I am off to ...

a great start 533 22%
a very good start 749 31%
a good start 795 33%
just an OK start 269 11%
not a good start 49 2%

2. As you begin your academic career at Cal, what is your level of agreement or disagreement with the statements below. Click here if you would like to review definitions of diversity and academic dishonesty.

 Strongly disagreeDisagreeSomewhat disagreeSomewhat agreeAgreeStrongly agree
I feel valued as an individual on this campus 41 116 252 742 900 229
2% 5% 11% 33% 40% 10%
There is a clear sense of appropriate and inappropriate behavior on this campus 28 71 167 592 1051 371
1% 3% 7% 26% 46% 16%
I am proud to be a student at this campus 21 12 21 212 795 1220
1% 1% 1% 9% 35% 54%
Most students are proud to attend this school 17 9 24 188 936 1107
1% 0% 1% 8% 41% 49%
This institution values students' opinions 30 44 127 553 1010 506
1% 2% 6% 24% 45% 22%
Academic dishonesty is a problem on this campus 210 853 661 319 146 85
9% 38% 29% 14% 6% 4%
I feel that I belong at this campus 32 53 167 640 905 475
1% 2% 7% 28% 40% 21%
Diversity is important on this campus 42 51 85 384 875 838
2% 2% 4% 17% 39% 37%
Diversity is important to me 34 33 74 361 800 979
2% 1% 3% 16% 35% 43%

3. What has gone surprisingly well, much better than expected?

[Contact OPA for more information]

4. What has not gone well? What has caused you problems, anxiety or disappointment?

[Contact OPA for more information]

5. To what extent do you agree that each of the following resources has helped with your transition into UC Berkeley? If you did not participate in the service listed, please select "N/A" in the left column.

 N/A; DID NOT USE THIS SERVICEStrongly disagreeDisagreeSomewhat disagreeSomewhat agreeAgreeStrongly agree
CalSO 232 39 74 101 399 598 398
2% 5% 6% 25% 37% 25%
Cal Student Central 496 21 59 107 467 466 179
2% 5% 8% 36% 36% 14%
Summer workshops or webinars hosted by a UCB office 1,491 23 34 48 106 84 44
7% 10% 14% 31% 25% 13%
Convocation for new students 361 232 297 296 407 182 61
16% 20% 20% 28% 12% 4%
Getting Your Bearings activities 252 81 136 214 602 394 139
5% 9% 14% 38% 25% 9%
Freshmen Edge (Summer Sessions) 1,676 10 6 17 32 40 47
7% 4% 11% 21% 26% 31%
Global Edge 1,742 6 7 18 21 22 19
7% 8% 19% 23% 24% 20%
Summer Bridge 1,610 7 8 13 29 39 126
3% 4% 6% 13% 18% 57%
Fall Program for Freshmen (UC Extension) 1,717 5 6 18 33 27 24
4% 5% 16% 29% 24% 21%
TRSP: Transfer, Reentry, & Student Parent Centers (including Cal Veteran Service Center and Cal Independent Scholars Network) 1,742 4 7 15 22 24 18
4% 8% 17% 24% 27% 20%
Berkeley International Office 1,549 7 12 25 79 93 70
2% 4% 9% 28% 33% 25%
Academic Achievement Program and Center (Includes SSS Scholars Academy, McNair Scholars Program, & Miller Scholars Program) 1,707 4 8 15 37 41 21
3% 6% 12% 29% 33% 17%
Athletic Study Center 1,691 5 5 12 35 43 39
4% 4% 9% 25% 31% 28%
Disabled Students' Program 1,711 4 6 16 26 34 35
3% 5% 13% 22% 28% 29%
Undocumented Students Program (USP) - (Academic Counselors, Dreamers Resource Center, Legal Support, etc.) 1,706 5 6 15 29 34 29
4% 5% 13% 25% 29% 25%

(...continued) To what extent do you agree that each of the following resources has helped with your transition into UC Berkeley? If you did not participate in the service listed, please select "N/A" in the left column.

 N/A; DID NOT USE THIS SERVICEStrongly disagreeDisagreeSomewhat disagreeSomewhat agreeAgreeStrongly agree
Gender Equity Resource Center (LGBTQ, Women, Sexual/Relationship Violence Advocacy & Education) 1,673 2 6 10 29 40 30
2% 5% 9% 25% 34% 26%
Multicultural Student Development (Includes African American Student Development, Asian Pacific American Student Development, Chicano/Latino Student Development, Multicultural Community Center, Multicultural Immigrant Student Program, & Native American Student Development) 1,639 3 7 13 35 50 38
2% 5% 9% 24% 34% 26%
A Multicultural Recruitment & Retention Center (e.g., Black Recruitment & Retention Center, Raza Recruitment & Retention Center) 1,613 4 6 11 40 43 59
3% 4% 7% 25% 26% 36%
Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) Office - (Academic Counselors, Peer Academic Counselors, Fee Waivers, etc. Serving first-generation, low-income, or historically underrepresented students) 1,419 6 12 24 96 102 122
2% 3% 7% 27% 28% 34%
Student Learning Center 876 6 18 32 262 326 264
1% 2% 4% 29% 36% 29%
Residence Hall Staff (Resident Directors, Resident Assistants, Theme Program Advisors) 279 32 61 93 462 577 268
2% 4% 6% 31% 39% 18%
Residential Education (Res. Ed.) (Includes Tutoring, Resident Faculty Programs, Academic Support) 1,265 16 18 43 194 163 79
3% 4% 8% 38% 32% 15%
New Student Services website 1,092 15 17 60 284 242 74
2% 3% 9% 41% 35% 11%
My Years at Cal website 1,573 13 7 25 56 77 32
6% 3% 12% 27% 37% 15%
My Berkeley Application website 181 18 49 106 438 576 419
1% 3% 7% 27% 36% 26%
Resource (The UC Berkeley Student Handbook) 1,119 22 28 82 251 193 75
3% 4% 13% 39% 30% 12%
Another Berkeley student 225 8 9 33 234 602 670
1% 1% 2% 15% 39% 43%
A family member 640 29 33 67 328 389 297
3% 3% 6% 29% 34% 26%
A UC Berkeley major/ departmental advisor 691 39 55 83 382 354 179
4% 5% 8% 35% 32% 16%
A UC Berkeley College advisor (e.g., Letters & Science, Natural Resources) 558 58 61 110 406 386 204
5% 5% 9% 33% 32% 17%
A 98 or 198 course for new students 1,256 6 10 36 154 182 145
1% 2% 7% 29% 34% 27%

On the previous page you selected that you agree or disagree that the Multicultural Student Development resource has helped you with your transition. Please select which services you have had experience with.

African American Student Development 14
Asian Pacific American Student Development 49
Chicano/Latino Student Development 49
Multicultural Community Center 25
Multicultural Immigrant Student Program 6
Native American Student Development 2

5a. Please list up to 3 additional resources, individuals, or programs that helped with your transition into Berkeley (Note, if you list individuals by name, please also indicate their office or departmental affiliation if they work on campus):

 1. [Contact OPA for more information]

 2. [Contact OPA for more information]

 3. [Contact OPA for more information]

5b. Please share with us any additional information regarding your transition into UC Berkeley, and the resources you found helpful, particularly those not asked about above:

[Contact OPA for more information]

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Academic and Personal Development

1. Please rate your current level of proficiency in the following areas.

 Very poorPoorFairGoodVery goodExcellent
Analytical and critical thinking skills 5 27 214 547 588 239
0% 2% 13% 34% 36% 15%
Ability to be clear and effective when writing 11 47 300 589 473 198
1% 3% 19% 36% 29% 12%
Ability to read and comprehend academic material 9 28 216 624 521 213
1% 2% 13% 39% 32% 13%
Foreign language skills 61 215 416 446 319 162
4% 13% 26% 28% 20% 10%
Understanding of a specific field of study 10 51 279 624 493 153
1% 3% 17% 39% 31% 10%
Quantitative (mathematical and statistical) skills 18 55 250 514 507 276
1% 3% 15% 32% 31% 17%
Ability to speak clearly and effectively in English 5 16 117 325 521 630
0% 1% 7% 20% 32% 39%
Ability to understand international perspectives (economic, political, social, cultural) 10 59 230 522 514 284
1% 4% 14% 32% 32% 18%
Leadership skills 9 85 281 516 453 273
1% 5% 17% 32% 28% 17%
Ability to collaborate (e.g., team participation, groupwork) well with others 8 28 175 465 582 361
1% 2% 11% 29% 36% 22%

(...continued) Please rate your current level of proficiency in the following areas.

 Very poorPoorFairGoodVery goodExcellent
Internet research skills 8 26 155 433 565 434
1% 2% 10% 27% 35% 27%
Library research skills 32 199 473 537 265 114
2% 12% 29% 33% 16% 7%
Other research skills 16 94 448 619 307 130
1% 6% 28% 38% 19% 8%
Ability to prepare and make a presentation 9 46 240 547 500 276
1% 3% 15% 34% 31% 17%
Interpersonal (social) skills 22 63 288 520 424 304
1% 4% 18% 32% 26% 19%

2. Please rank your top 3 areas of expected growth.

Rank 1:

Analytical and Critical thinking skills 371 24%
Ability to be clear and effective when writing 147 9%
Ability to read and comprehend academic material 131 8%
Foreign language skills 52 3%
Understanding of a specific field of study 224 14%
Quantitative (mathematical and statistical) skills 133 8%
Ability to speak clearly and effectively in English 31 2%
Understanding of international perspectives 29 2%
Leadership skills 93 6%
Collaboration skills (ability to work well with others 34 2%
Research skills 103 7%
Ability to prepare and make a presentation 15 1%
Interpersonal (social) skills 218 14%

Rank 2:

Analytical and Critical thinking skills 208 13%
Ability to be clear and effective when writing 187 12%
Ability to read and comprehend academic material 154 10%
Foreign language skills 62 4%
Understanding of a specific field of study 185 12%
Quantitative (mathematical and statistical) skills 125 8%
Ability to speak clearly and effectively in English 43 3%
Understanding of international perspectives 56 4%
Leadership skills 106 7%
Collaboration skills (ability to work well with others) 100 6%
Research skills 178 11%
Ability to prepare and make a presentation 41 3%
Interpersonal (social) skills 137 9%

Rank 3:

Analytical and Critical thinking skills 147 9%
Ability to be clear and effective when writing 118 8%
Ability to read and comprehend academic material 175 11%
Foreign language skills 50 3%
Understanding of a specific field of study 158 10%
Quantitative (mathematical and statistical) skills 128 8%
Ability to speak clearly and effectively in English 44 3%
Understanding of international perspectives 106 7%
Leadership skills 112 7%
Collaboration skills (ability to work well with others) 96 6%
Research skills 200 13%
Ability to prepare and make a presentation 45 3%
Interpersonal (social) skills 199 13%

3. Please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements in terms of yourself. Answer only those items that apply to you.

 Strongly disagreeDisagreeSomewhat disagreeSomewhat agreeAgreeStrongly agree
I feel free to express my political beliefs on campus 31 40 99 262 639 479
2% 3% 6% 17% 41% 31%
I feel free to express my religious beliefs on campus 17 28 76 282 656 473
1% 2% 5% 18% 43% 31%
Students of my race/ethnicity are respected on this campus 20 19 62 211 720 531
1% 1% 4% 14% 46% 34%
Students of my socio-economic status are respected on this campus 9 25 59 218 736 508
1% 2% 4% 14% 47% 33%
Students of my gender are respected on this campus 8 6 32 192 761 567
1% 0% 2% 12% 49% 36%
Students of my religious beliefs are respected on this campus 10 21 57 233 728 473
1% 1% 4% 15% 48% 31%
Students of my political beliefs are respected on this campus 32 30 60 201 677 535
2% 2% 4% 13% 44% 35%
Students of my sexual orientation are respected on this campus 6 4 16 131 692 666
0% 0% 1% 9% 46% 44%
Students of my immigration background are respected on this campus 12 11 30 176 704 522
1% 1% 2% 12% 48% 36%
Students with a physical, psychological, or learning disability like mine are respected on this campus 13 10 35 229 624 413
1% 1% 3% 17% 47% 31%

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Your Berkeley Plans

If you were assured admittance to any major, what major would you choose?

African American Studies 1 0%
American Studies 3 0%
Anthropology 5 0%
Applied Mathematics 25 2%
Architecture 34 2%
Art Practice 6 0%
Asian Studies: Japan 1 0%
Astrophysics 7 0%
Atmospheric Science 1 0%
Bioengineering 60 4%
Bioengineering/Materials Science and Engineering Joint Major 15 1%
Business Administration 158 10%
Chemical Biology 23 2%
Chemical Engineering 30 2%
Chemical Engineering/Materials Science and Engineering Joint Major 7 0%
Chemical Engineering/Nuclear Engineering Joint Major 2 0%
Chemistry (College of Chemistry) 20 1%
Chemistry (College of L & S) 5 0%
Chinese Language 1 0%
Civil Engineering 29 2%
Classical Civilizations 1 0%
Cognitive Science 20 1%
Comparative Literature 2 0%
Computer Science 136 9%
Conservation and Resource Studies 3 0%
Dance and Performance Studies 2 0%
Development Studies 2 0%
Economics 44 3%
Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences 125 8%
Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences/Materials Science and Engineering Joint Major 7 0%
Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences/Nuclear Engineering Joint Major 3 0%
Energy Engineering 8 1%
Engineering Math and Statistics 5 0%
Engineering Physics 6 0%
English 13 1%
Environmental Earth Science 1 0%
Environmental Economics and Policy 13 1%
Environmental Engineering Science 8 1%
Environmental Sciences 23 2%
Ethnic Studies 5 0%
Film 2 0%
Forestry and Natural Resources 1 0%
French 2 0%
Gender and Women's Studies 1 0%
Geography 1 0%
History 8 1%
Individual Major 1 0%
Industrial Engineering and Operations Research 7 0%
Integrative Biology 27 2%
Interdisciplinary Studies 4 0%
Legal Studies 5 0%
Linguistics 3 0%
MCB, Plan 1, Emphasis 1: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 22 1%
MCB, Plan 1, Emphasis 2: Genetics 15 1%
MCB, Plan 1, Emphasis 3: Immunology 25 2%
MCB, Plan 2, Emphasis 2: Cell and Developmental Biology 17 1%
MCB, Plan 2, Emphasis 3: Neurobiology 35 2%
Marine Science 3 0%
Materials Science and Engineering 9 1%
Materials Science and Engineering/Mechanical Engineering Joint Major 9 1%
Materials Science and Engineering/Nuclear Engineering Joint Major 1 0%
Mathematics 22 1%
Mechanical Engineering 43 3%
Mechanical Engineering/Nuclear Engineering 3 0%
Media Studies 10 1%
Microbial Biology 3 0%
Molecular Environmental Biology 18 1%
Music 2 0%
Nuclear Engineering 5 0%
Nutritional Science 16 1%
Operations Research and Management Science 3 0%
Peace and Conflict Studies 5 0%
Philosophy 1 0%
Physical Sciences Field Major 1 0%
Physics 32 2%
Political Economy 6 0%
Political Science 47 3%
Psychology 25 2%
Public Health 40 3%
Rhetoric 2 0%
Social Welfare 6 0%
Society and Environment 6 0%
Sociology 13 1%
Statistics 12 1%
Theater and Performance Studies 5 0%
Undeclared College of Chemistry 2 0%
Undeclared College of Engineering 16 1%
Undeclared College of Letters and Science 23 2%
Undeclared College of Natural Resources 6 0%
Urban Studies 5 0%

2. Is that the major with which you expect to graduate?

Yes 1169 77%
No 352 23%

IF NO: In which major do you expect to graduate?

Anthropology 2 1%
Applied Mathematics 10 3%
Architecture 4 1%
Asian Studies: Multi-area 1 0%
Bioengineering 4 1%
Business Administration 3 1%
Chemical Biology 4 1%
Chemical Engineering 7 2%
Chemical Engineering/Materials Science and Engineering Joint Major 1 0%
Chemistry (College of Chemistry) 4 1%
Chemistry (College of L & S) 4 1%
Civil Engineering 4 1%
Classical Civilizations 1 0%
Cognitive Science 7 2%
Computer Science 25 7%
Conservation and Resource Studies 3 1%
Earth and Planetary Science 1 0%
Economics 15 4%
Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences 8 2%
Energy Engineering 1 0%
Engineering Math and Statistics 1 0%
English 2 1%
Environmental Economics and Policy 4 1%
Environmental Sciences 8 2%
Forestry and Natural Resources 1 0%
Gender and Women's Studies 1 0%
Individual Major 1 0%
Industrial Engineering and Operations Research 2 1%
Integrative Biology 4 1%
Linguistics 3 1%
MCB, Plan 1, Emphasis 1: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 6 2%
MCB, Plan 1, Emphasis 2: Genetics 2 1%
MCB, Plan 1, Emphasis 3: Immunology 2 1%
MCB, Plan 2, Emphasis 2: Cell and Developmental Biology 7 2%
MCB, Plan 2, Emphasis 3: Neurobiology 8 2%
Materials Science and Engineering 2 1%
Mathematics 5 1%
Mechanical Engineering 7 2%
Media Studies 1 0%
Molecular Environmental Biology 7 2%
Near Eastern Languages and Literatures 1 0%
Nuclear Engineering 2 1%
Nutritional Science 6 2%
Physics 4 1%
Political Economy 2 1%
Political Science 10 3%
Psychology 6 2%
Public Health 4 1%
Social Welfare 2 1%
Society and Environment 2 1%
Sociology 2 1%
Statistics 3 1%
Theater and Performance Studies 1 0%
Undeclared College of Letters and Science 7 2%
Undeclared College of Natural Resources 1 0%
Urban Studies 1 0%

3. Please select the top 3 factors in in deciding on your major.


Intellectual curiosity in the subject 1012 66%
Leads to a high paying job 157 10%
Prepares me for a fulfilling career 237 16%
Parental desires 14 1%
Allows time for other activities 6 0%
Provides international opportunities 20 1%
Prestige 12 1%
Prepares me for graduate/professional school 44 3%
Other (please specify)
[Contact OPA for more information]
26 2%


Intellectual curiosity in the subject 212 14%
Leads to a high paying job 282 19%
Prepares me for a fulfilling career 568 37%
Parental desires 29 2%
Allows time for other activities 41 3%
Provides international opportunities 118 8%
Prestige 38 3%
Prepares me for graduate/professional school 200 13%
Other (please specify)
[Contact OPA for more information]
29 2%


Intellectual curiosity in the subject 127 9%
Leads to a high paying job 285 19%
Prepares me for a fulfilling career 315 21%
Parental desires 69 5%
Allows time for other activities 82 6%
Provides international opportunities 150 10%
Prestige 122 8%
Prepares me for graduate/professional school 264 18%
Other (please specify)
[Contact OPA for more information]
86 6%

3b. If changes to course availability and other factors made it possible to earn your degree in 3 years, what is the likelihood you would attempt to graduate in 3 years?

Very likely 458 30%
Somewhat likely 452 29%
Neither likely nor unlikely 224 14%
Somewhat unlikely 238 15%
Very unlikely 179 12%

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Future Plans & Aspirations

4. What do you anticipate you will be doing within a year after you graduate?

Enroll in graduate or professional school 13 1%
Work full-time 482 32%
Work part-time 36 2%
Be self-employed 13 1%
Study or work abroad 49 3%
Join armed forces 2 0%
Join Peace Corps 35 2%
Paid internship 56 4%
Unpaid internship/volunteer 11 1%
Take a year off 27 2%
Study or work abroad 49 3%
Do something else 2 0%

Other (please specify)

[Contact OPA for more information]

7 1%
I have no idea at this point 151 10%

5. In what career field do you hope to eventually work after you've completed your education?

Architecture 35 2%
Business 203 13%
Communications/Arts/Entertainment 40 3%
Education/Teaching 40 3%
Electrical Engineering/Computers 209 14%
Engineering 180 12%
Environmental/Natural Resources 62 4%
Government/Nonprofit/Social Services 78 5%
I have no idea whatsoever 152 10%
Law 80 5%
Medicine 233 15%
Other (please specify)
[Contact OPA for more information]
42 3%
Other Health-Related Field 53 4%
Research 120 8%

6. What is the HIGHEST academic degree or credential that you plan to eventually earn?

Academic master's (MA, MS, etc.) 178 12%
Bachelor's degree (BA, BS, etc.) 127 8%
Business master's (MBA) 180 12%
Doctorate (PhD, EdD, etc.) 322 21%
I don't know yet 299 20%
Law degree (LLB or JD) 92 6%
Medical doctor (MD) 128 8%
Medical doctorate other than MD (DO, DDS, DVM, etc.) 26 2%
Multiple doctoral degrees (MD/PhD) 73 5%
Other professional master's (MEd, MPP, MPH, MFA, MLIS, MSN, MSW, M.ARCH, etc.) 96 6%
Teaching credential 8 1%

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High School Experiences

1. Thinking back over your senior year coursework, how often were you REQUIRED to do the following?

 NeverRarelyOccasionallySomewhat oftenOftenVery often
Recognize or recall specific facts, terms and concepts 8 23 91 186 554 648
1% 2% 6% 12% 37% 43%
Explain methods, ideas, or concepts and use them to solve problems 9 39 128 268 586 473
1% 3% 9% 18% 39% 32%
Break down material into component parts or arguments into assumptions to see the basis for different outcomes and conclusions 32 120 219 337 468 327
2% 8% 15% 22% 31% 22%
Judge the value of information, ideas, actions, and conclusions based on the soundness of sources, methods and reasoning 29 89 212 326 501 348
2% 6% 14% 22% 33% 23%
Create or generate new ideas, products or ways of understanding 63 173 264 338 394 271
4% 12% 18% 23% 26% 18%

2. Thinking back on your senior year, how often did you do each of the following

 NeverRarelyOccasionallySomewhat oftenOftenVery often
Used facts and examples to support your viewpoint 4 13 52 125 539 774
0% 1% 4% 8% 36% 51%
Incorporated ideas or concepts from different courses when completing assignments 19 77 238 275 490 406
1% 5% 16% 18% 33% 27%
Examined how others gathered and interpreted data and assessed the soundness of their conclusions 40 134 257 315 461 300
3% 9% 17% 21% 31% 20%
Reconsidered your own position on a topic after assessing the arguments of others 19 65 223 291 520 385
1% 4% 15% 19% 35% 26%

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