2014 UCUES: Part 4

Academic Advising Experiences

An advisor is an individual who assists with exploration of academic, career, and personal goals and helps to identify campus and other resources to support student success. Student advising happens in multiple places on campus, including at the College/School, Department/Major, and within Student Services. This module is designed to help the campus administration better understand your experience with these advising and student support services. Your responses may be shared anonymously with faculty, staff, and other current and future students as part of an effort to improve the undergraduate experience at Cal.

1.  Which of the following College/School advising services have you utilized during your time as a UC Berkeley student (note: if you have multiple majors across Colleges or have received advising from multiple Colleges, please select the one that you would like to evaluate further).

College of Chemistry Undergrad Advising 144 4%
College of Engineering Student Services 430 10%
College of Environmental Design Office of Undergrad Advising 92 2%
College of Letters & Science Office of Undergrad Advising 2217 54%
College of Natural Resources Undergraduate Advising (i.e., the Office of Instruction & Student Affairs) 357 9%
Haas School of Business Undergrad Advising 107 3%
N/A; I have not received advising from a College/School advisor 791 19%

1a.  As you think about the academic advising that you have received in your School/College (e.g. College of Letters & Science, College of Natural Resources, etc.), please indicate how much you agree with the following statements:

 Strongly disagreeDisagreeSomewhat disagreeSomewhat agreeAgreeStrongly agree
College advisors provided the guidance needed to persist and/or succeed during my transition to Cal 193 384 406 1089 880 280
6% 12% 13% 34% 27% 9%
College advisors provided the guidance needed to persist and/or succeed during my time of deciding on or declaring a major 172 329 391 1087 933 301
5% 10% 12% 34% 29% 9%
College advisors have helped me connect with enrichment opportunities (e.g., study abroad, research opportunities, service learning) 233 498 561 986 698 224
7% 16% 18% 31% 22% 7%
College advisors have helped me create a personalized academic plan that is consistent with my goals and interests 210 396 492 1028 788 293
7% 12% 15% 32% 25% 9%
As a result of advising in my College, I am more likely to reach my full academic potential 236 431 519 1003 739 284
7% 13% 16% 31% 23% 9%
I am confident in the accuracy of the information I receive from College advisors 146 204 330 940 1159 435
5% 6% 10% 29% 36% 14%
I have been provided with College advising that is sensitive to my unique characteristics as an individual (e.g., gender identity, ethnic/racial identity) 206 402 432 1031 827 293
7% 13% 14% 32% 26% 9%
In College advising sessions I have received answers to my questions or was referred to an advisor who could answer thequestion 121 181 261 1016 1201 433
4% 6% 8% 32% 37% 14%
College advisors are generally accessible 117 161 319 1005 1181 444
4% 5% 10% 31% 37% 14%
College advisors allotted the time to make the advising experience a fulfilling one 133 186 354 995 1107 432
4% 6% 11% 31% 35% 14%
College advisors have engaged me in dialog regarding my interests and goals 192 321 451 972 923 357
6% 10% 14% 30% 29% 11%
College advisors care about and believe in my potential 200 257 402 1040 927 382
6% 8% 13% 32% 29% 12%
College advisors have treated me with respect during advising sessions 93 104 173 825 1334 687
3% 3% 5% 26% 42% 21%
College advisors have interacted with me in a professional manner 81 82 134 806 1401 714
3% 3% 4% 25% 44% 22%

1b.  Again, consider the advising received in your School/College (e.g., College of Letters & Science, College of Natural resources, etc.) when responding to the next set of items.

 Strongly disagreeDisagreeSomewhat disagreeSomewhat agreeAgreeStrongly agree
meeting with a College advisor helped me develop strategies for balancing my schoolwork with other competing obligations/activities 235 509 573 1032 657 207
7% 16% 18% 32% 20% 6%
meeting with a College advisor prompted me to seek out an opportunity that I would not have otherwise considered 248 572 591 886 665 240
8% 18% 19% 28% 21% 8%
meeting with a College advisor helped me to make timely progress to my degree 194 336 370 1046 921 337
6% 11% 12% 33% 29% 11%
meeting with a College advisor helped me clarify my career/"life after Cal" goals 306 582 633 909 549 207
10% 18% 20% 29% 17% 7%

1x.  Please explain why you have not used College/School advising services.

[Contact OPA for more information]

2.  During your time as a UC Berkeley student, have you received advising from your department/major?

Yes 1824 91%
No 176 9%

2a.  As you think about the academic advising that you have received in your Department/Major, please indicate how much you agree with the following statements.

 Strongly disagreeDisagreeSomewhat disagreeSomewhat agreeAgreeStrongly agree
Major advisors provided the guidance needed to persist and/or succeed during my transition to Cal 70 114 170 489 602 335
4% 6% 10% 28% 34% 19%
Major advisors provided the guidance needed to persist and/or succeed during my time of deciding on or declaring a major 63 94 157 465 636 362
4% 5% 9% 26% 36% 20%
Major advisors have helped me connect with enrichment opportunities (e.g., study abroad, research opportunities, service learning) 90 147 259 456 525 305
5% 8% 15% 26% 30% 17%
Major advisors have helped me create a personalized academic plan that is consistent with my goals and interests 68 97 200 485 579 351
4% 5% 11% 27% 33% 20%
As a result of advising in my Major, I am more likely to reach my full academic potential 79 100 210 476 575 336
4% 6% 12% 27% 32% 19%
I am confident in the accuracy of the information I receive from Major advisors 43 56 106 384 717 473
2% 3% 6% 22% 40% 27%
I have been provided with Major advising that is sensitive to my unique characteristics as an individual (e.g., gender identity, ethnic/racial identity) 78 128 202 465 568 328
4% 7% 11% 26% 32% 19%
In Major advising sessions I have received answers to my questions or was referred to an advisor who could answer the question 36 46 114 420 728 437
2% 3% 6% 24% 41% 25%
Major advisors are generally accessible 32 49 114 417 700 467
2% 3% 6% 23% 39% 26%
Major advisors allotted the time to make the advising experience a fulfilling one 38 59 132 404 690 452
2% 3% 7% 23% 39% 26%
Major advisors have engaged me in dialog regarding my interests and goals 61 119 162 429 597 410
3% 7% 9% 24% 34% 23%
Major advisors care about and believe in my potential 67 93 153 440 590 433
4% 5% 9% 25% 33% 24%
Major advisors have treated me with respect during advising sessions 35 26 75 339 736 571
2% 2% 4% 19% 41% 32%
Major advisors have interacted with me in a professional manner 31 23 71 325 734 592
2% 1% 4% 18% 41% 33%

2b.  Again, consider the advising received in your Department/Major when responding to the next set of items. To what extent do you agree with the following?

 Strongly disagreeDisagreeSomewhat disagreeSomewhat agreeAgreeStrongly agree
meeting with a major advisor helped me develop strategies for balancing my schoolwork with other competing obligations/activities 92 209 258 488 492 242
5% 12% 15% 27% 28% 14%
meeting with a major advisor prompted me to seek out an opportunity that I would not have otherwise considered 93 221 261 460 484 258
5% 12% 15% 26% 27% 15%
meeting with a major advisor helped me to make timely progress to my degree 57 92 128 481 655 363
3% 5% 7% 27% 37% 20%
meeting with a major advisor helped me clarify my career/"life after Cal" goals 117 228 279 483 431 236
7% 13% 16% 27% 24% 13%

2x.  Please explain why you have not used Department/Major advising services.

[Contact OPA for more information]

3.  As you think about the range of academic advising that you have received in your department and/or College in all of your time here as a Berkeley student, please indicate how much you agree with the following statements.

 Strongly disagreeDisagreeSomewhat disagreeSomewhat agreeAgreeStrongly agree
Academic advising is coordinated across campus in ways that make it easy to get things done 277 468 715 1422 874 210
7% 12% 18% 36% 22% 5%
I have received consistent information from academic advisors across campus 234 422 586 1388 1057 262
6% 11% 15% 35% 27% 7%
I am aware of which classes are required to declare and/or successfully complete my desired major 55 88 155 851 1717 1102
1% 2% 4% 21% 43% 28%

4.  There are many places on campus where a student might receive advising or counseling, outside of the academic departments and colleges. Below is a list of some of these student support services.

For each of the following advising/student support resources, please indicate whether or not you have used the service, and how satisfied you've been.

 Have not heard about until nowHave heard about but had no need to useHad the need, but did not useUsed and found the service helpfulUsed, but found the service not that helpful
Career Center 85 1321 735 1443 319
2% 34% 19% 37% 8%
New Student Services (CalSO, Welcome Activities) 180 858 309 1914 625
5% 22% 8% 49% 16%
Recreational Sports Facility (Wellness Advising) 619 1167 375 1600 110
16% 30% 10% 41% 3%
Student Learning Center 92 1229 450 1880 228
2% 32% 12% 49% 6%
Tang Center (Counseling Services) 115 1574 465 1364 275
3% 42% 12% 36% 7%
Academic Achievement Program (Includes SSS Scholars Academy, McNair Scholars Program, & Miller Scholars Program) 2291 988 306 247 38
59% 26% 8% 6% 1%
Academic Services in the Residential Halls (Includes Tutoring, Peer Advising) 646 1885 404 794 157
17% 49% 10% 20% 4%
Athletic Study Center 2126 1345 188 193 28
55% 35% 5% 5% 1%
Berkeley International Office 1832 1490 178 327 48
47% 39% 5% 8% 1%
Berkeley Study Abroad Office 712 1980 351 732 101
18% 51% 9% 19% 3%
Cal Corps Public Service Center 1907 1408 212 290 27
50% 37% 6% 8% 1%
Center for Student Leadership (Includes Student Organization, fraternities & sororities, Leadership Program, & Cal Debate) 1675 1486 238 400 72
43% 38% 6% 10% 2%
Disabled Students' Program 653 2659 250 279 36
17% 69% 6% 7% 1%
Fall Program for Freshmen (UC Extension) 707 2462 204 433 63
18% 64% 5% 11% 2%
Freshmen Edge Program (Summer Sessions) 1301 2173 191 156 18
34% 57% 5% 4% 1%
Gender Equity Resource Center (LGBTQ, Women, Sexual/Relationship Violence Advocacy & Education) 1347 2054 214 210 34
35% 53% 6% 5% 1%
Multicultural Student Development (African American Student Development, Asian Pacific American Student Development, Chicano/Latino Student Development, Cross-Cultural Student Development, Multicultural Community Center, Multicultural Immigrant Student Program, & Native American Student Development) 1541 1709 231 352 34
40% 44% 6% 9% 1%
Office of Undergraduate Research/ Undergraduate Research Apprentice Program 1008 1444 581 647 198
26% 37% 15% 17% 5%
Professional Development Program 2460 1012 212 143 23
64% 26% 6% 4% 1%
Residence Hall Staff (Resident Directors, Program Assistants, Resident Assistants, Theme Program Advisors) 585 1691 255 1088 244
15% 44% 7% 28% 6%
Scholarship Connection 2477 835 263 204 59
65% 22% 7% 5% 2%
Educational Opportunity Program (EOP)--(Academic Counselors, Peer Academic Counselors, Fee Waivers, etc. Serving first-generation, low- income, or historically underrepresented students) 1348 1471 350 630 75
35% 38% 9% 16% 2%
Undocumented Student Program (USP)--(Academic Counselors, Dreamers Resource Center, Legal Support, etc) 2168 1395 154 132 18
56% 36% 4% 3% 1%
TRSP: Transfer, Re-entry and Student Parent Center (including Cal Veteran Service Center and Cal Independent Scholars Network) 1862 1358 211 374 70
48% 35% 5% 10% 2%
Transfer Edge Program (Summer Sessions) 2123 1361 178 151 29
55% 35% 5% 4% 1%

5.  As you continue to think about the range of student support services that you receive outside of your department and/or college, please indicate how much you agree with the following statements.

 Strongly disagreeDisagreeSomewhat disagreeSomewhat agreeAgreeStrongly agree
Student services staff provided the guidance needed to persist and/or succeed during my transition to Cal 157 354 525 1608 879 155
4% 10% 14% 44% 24% 4%
Student services staff provided the guidance needed to persist
and/or succeed during my time of deciding on or declaring a major
164 411 594 1547 802 142
5% 11% 16% 42% 22% 4%
Student services staff have helped me connect with enrichment opportunities (e.g., study abroad, research opportunities, service learning) 183 492 670 1385 762 157
5% 14% 18% 38% 21% 4%
Student services staff have helped me create a personalized academic plan that is consistent with my goals and interests 199 533 669 1404 693 150
6% 15% 18% 39% 19% 4%
As a result of student services staff, I am more likely to reach my full academic potential 202 489 653 1460 686 156
6% 13% 18% 40% 19% 4%
I am confident in the accuracy of the information I receive from student services staff 138 289 511 1485 1006 208
4% 8% 14% 41% 28% 6%
I have been provided with student services that are sensitive to my unique characteristics as an individual (e.g., gender identity, ethnic/racial identity) 185 418 587 1419 840 186
5% 12% 16% 39% 23% 5%
Student services staff have provided me with strategies to improve my time management 215 519 736 1343 685 140
6% 14% 20% 37% 19% 4%
Student services staff provided strategies for improving stress management 216 511 675 1382 703 139
6% 14% 19% 38% 19% 4%
Student services staff have provided me with strategies to manage my financial resources 264 616 773 1258 613 106
7% 17% 21% 35% 17% 3%
Student services are coordinated across campus in ways that make it easy to get things done 217 463 748 1369 707 113
6% 13% 21% 38% 20% 3%
In sessions with student services staff I have received answers to
my questions or was referred to an advisor who could answer the question
157 382 573 1431 928 162
4% 11% 16% 39% 26% 5%
Student services staff are generally accessible 137 287 473 1525 1015 196
4% 8% 13% 42% 28% 5%
Student services staff allotted the time to make the advising experience a fulfilling one 149 314 515 1548 921 174
4% 9% 14% 43% 25% 5%
Student services staff have engaged me in dialog regarding my interests and goals 181 433 591 1407 840 162
5% 12% 16% 39% 23% 5%
Student services staff care about and believe in my potential 165 362 532 1467 876 217
5% 10% 15% 41% 24% 6%
Student services staff have treated me with respect during advising sessions 114 243 353 1381 1176 363
3% 7% 10% 38% 32% 10%
Student services staff have interacted with me in a professional manner 113 230 344 1358 1193 379
3% 6% 10% 38% 33% 11%

6.  To what extent do you agree with the following?

 Strongly disagreeDisagreeSomewhat disagreeSomewhat agreeAgreeStrongly agree
meeting with student services staff helped me develop strategies for balancing my schoolwork with other competing obligations/activities 222 559 725 1368 645 137
6% 15% 20% 37% 18% 4%
meeting with student services staff prompted me to seek out an opportunity that I would not have otherwise considered 217 581 738 1300 668 149
6% 16% 20% 36% 18% 4%
meeting with student services staff helped me to make timely progress to my degree 202 515 639 1427 710 151
6% 14% 18% 39% 20% 4%
meeting with student services staff helped me clarify my career/"life after Cal" goals 266 610 769 1284 581 122
7% 17% 21% 35% 16% 3%

7.  Please share with us what positive, or negative, impact staff advisors have had on your UC Berkeley experience.

[Contact OPA for more information]

Mental Health & Wellness

8.  During this academic year, how often has feeling depressed, stressed, or upset been an obstacle to your school work or academic success?

Never 187 5%
Rarely 682 18%
Occasionally 1194 31%
Somewhat often 725 19%
Often 617 16%
Very often 482 12%

9.  In this academic year, what was your experience with Berkeley Student Counseling & Support Services' counseling and psychological services?

Didn't need 2225 57%
Needed but didn't use 1119 29%
Used the service at least once 540 14%

9a.  If you might have needed this service but didn't use this service, why not?

 True for meNot true for me
I had never heard of it 269 826
25% 75%
I didn't know what it offered 598 491
55% 45%
I didn't know if I was eligible 547 544
50% 50%
I didn't know how to access it 641 448
59% 41%
I didn't think it would help 673 423
61% 39%
I had concerns about possible costs 606 481
56% 44%
I had concerns about possible lack of confidentiality 410 670
38% 62%
I was embarrassed to use it 568 514
53% 48%
I didn't have enough time 850 239
78% 22%
It has a poor reputation 178 903
17% 84%
The hours are inconvenient 283 798
26% 74%
The location is inconvenient 277 797
26% 74%
The wait for an appointment was too long 266 810
25% 75%
I got help from another university service or staff person 128 945
12% 88%
I got help off campus 237 835
22% 78%

9b.  Was the treatment that you received effective?

Very effective 82 15%
Effective 295 55%
Not effective 140 26%
Not applicable 19 4%

9c.  Please rate the quality of service that you received.

Excellent 167 31%
Good 235 44%
Fair 98 18%
Poor 32 6%

9d.  How could the Student Counseling & Support Services' counseling service better serve your needs? Please be specific.

[Contact OPA for more information]

International Students and Education Abroad

10.  How easy or difficult have the following been for you as an international student at UC Berkeley?

 Very easyEasyNeither easy or difficultDifficultVery difficult
Understanding classroom lectures 62 106 116 30 9
19% 33% 36% 9% 3%
Keeping up with my writing assignments and writing clearly in English 63 97 99 54 11
19% 30% 31% 17% 3%
Participating in classroom or study group discussions 67 91 103 47 14
21% 28% 32% 15% 4%
Making friends with Americans 62 73 116 59 13
19% 23% 36% 18% 4%
Learning how to understand and respond to Americans of the opposite sex 50 104 106 55 9
15% 32% 33% 17% 3%
Fitting into the social scene and finding organizations and groups of students where I feel comfortable and can socialize 48 98 105 56 14
15% 31% 33% 17% 4%

11.  How satisfied are you with each of the following?

 Very dissatisfiedDissatisfiedSomewhat dissatisfiedSomewhat satisfiedSatisfiedVery
The interest in and attention to international students shown by professors 9 24 42 140 97 10
3% 8% 13% 44% 30% 3%
The interest in and attention to international students shown by American students 8 23 46 133 101 10
3% 7% 14% 41% 32% 3%
The campus services provided specifically for international students; services such as help with visas, arrival orientation, English language resources, etc. 8 13 36 122 116 24
3% 4% 11% 38% 36% 8%
The campus services provided for all students; services such as academic advising, career services, housing, food services, etc. 8 17 43 116 119 17
3% 5% 13% 36% 37% 5%
The quality of information provided to you about campus rules, regulations, degree requirements, and resources on campus 8 7 24 137 127 17
3% 2% 8% 43% 40% 5%
The opportunities to explore American life and culture outside the university 10 17 51 115 106 19
3% 5% 16% 36% 33% 6%

12.  How much of a concern are or have been each of the following for you?

 Not a concernSomewhat a concernA serious concern
Finding satisfactory housing 76 169 81
23% 52% 25%
Obtaining an ATM or bank card 232 75 19
71% 23% 6%
Violence and personal security on and around the campus 135 128 62
42% 39% 19%
Having adequate financial support 102 134 88
32% 41% 27%
Understanding U.S. medical insurance and obtaining health services 92 154 79
28% 47% 24%
Securing a job in the U.S. after graduation 41 101 183
13% 31% 56%

13.  Is your interaction primarily with American students or other international students during each of the following?

 All or almost all internationalMostly internationalAbout half and halfMostly AmericanAll or almost all American
When studying or doing homework with other students 16 68 136 63 41
5% 21% 42% 19% 13%
When socializing (parties, going to movies, recreation) 26 80 115 64 38
8% 25% 36% 20% 12%
Of the students you consider to be personal friends 41 83 115 48 35
13% 26% 36% 15% 11%

14.  What are your plans after you complete your undergraduate degree? (Check all that apply)

To pursue an advanced degree in the U.S. 211
To pursue an advanced degree at home or in a country other than the U.S. 66
To work temporarily in the U.S. 189
Other 28

15.  What were the primary reasons for your decision to pursue your undergraduate studies in the U.S.? (Select up to three)

The international reputation of this campus 232
An interest in understanding the U.S. and its culture 124
Desire to increase your English language proficiency 93
An appreciation for the quality of teaching at U.S. campuses 189
An interest in working in the U.S. in the future. 180
Have family members living in the U.S. 48

16.  While a student at UC Berkeley, have you completed or are you now participating in any of the following? If so, check yes.

A study abroad program lasting a full academic year 47 3469
1% 99%
A study abroad program for a semester or at least 4 months 235 3282
7% 93%
A short-term study abroad program or tour lasting less than 3 months 251 3256
7% 93%
An intensive language only study program 89 3418
3% 98%
An international internship or work abroad experience 158 3354
5% 96%
A service learning or volunteer service opportunity in another country 163 3342
5% 95%
A research project or field placement in another country 86 3408
3% 98%

17.  You indicated participation in the following program(s) or activities. Please answer the following questions below about it.

A study abroad program lasting a full academic year

Organized and sponsored by UC Berkeley? 27 19
59% 41%
Did you/will you receive academic credit? 25 21
54% 46%
Did or does the program entail intensive foreign language? 15 31
33% 67%

In which country were you located?

Chile 3 13%
Denmark 1 4%
France 3 13%
Germany 2 8%
Ghana 1 4%
Ireland 1 4%
Japan 3 13%
New Zealand 1 4%
Spain 2 8%
Switzerland 1 4%
United Kingdom 5 21%
United States 1 4%

A study abroad program for a semester or at least 4 months

Organized and sponsored by UC Berkeley? 180 53
77% 23%
Did you/will you receive academic credit? 191 42
82% 18%
Did or does the program entail intensive foreign language? 90 143
39% 61%

In which country were you located?

Argentina 9 4%
Australia 9 4%
Brazil 4 2%
Chile 11 5%
China 6 3%
Costa Rica 4 2%
Czech Republic 2 1%
Denmark 6 3%
France 27 13%
French Polynesia 1 1%
Germany 14 7%
Hong Kong 5 2%
Hungary 1 1%
India 1 1%
Ireland 9 4%
Israel 1 1%
Italy 19 9%
Japan 3 1%
Jordan 2 1%
Korea, South 1 1%
Netherlands 2 1%
New Zealand 4 2%
Norway 1 1%
Peru 1 1%
Russia 1 1%
Singapore 5 2%
South Africa 4 2%
Spain 16 8%
Switzerland 1 1%
Taiwan 5 4%
Thailand 3 1%
Turkey 2 1%
United Kingdom 23 11%
United States 4 2%
Other 2 1%

A short-term study abroad program or tour lasting less than 3 months

Organized and sponsored by UC Berkeley? 187 64
75% 26%
Did you/will you receive academic credit? 200 51
80% 20%
Did or does the program entail intensive foreign language? 62 189
25% 75%

In which country were you located?

Argentina 3 1%
Australia 2 1%
Austia 2 1%
Belgium 3 1%
Bolivia 1 0%
Brazil 1 0%
Chile 1 0%
China 8 4%
Costa Rica 6 3%
Denmark 3 1%
Estonia 1 0%
Europa Island 1 0%
France 25 11%
French Polynesia 4 2%
Germany 6 3%
Ghana 1 0%
Greece 1 0%
Hong Kong 1 0%
Hungary 1 0%
India 5 2%
Indonesia 1 0%
Ireland 8 4%
Israel 1 0%
Italy 7 3%
Japan 5 2%
Jordan 3 1%
Kenya 1 0%
Korea, South 10 4%
Mauritius 1 0%
Mexico 10 4%
Netherlands 3 1%
New Zealand 1 0%
Norway 1 0%
Oman 1 0%
Portugal 1 0%
Russia 1 0%
Singapore 12 5%
Spain 24 11%
Sweden 1 0%
Switzerland 1 0%
Taiwan 8 4%
Tanzania 1 0%
Turkey 3 1%
United Kingdom 40 18%
United States 3 1%
Other 3 1%

An intensive language only study program

Organized and sponsored by UC Berkeley? 45 43
51% 49%
Did you/will you receive academic credit? 51 37
58% 42%
Did or does the program entail intensive foreign language? 57 31
65% 35%

In which country were you located?

Algeria 1 2%
Argentina 8 13%
Brazil 2 3%
Chile 2 3%
China 8 13%
Denmark 1 2%
France 6 10%
Germany 2 3%
Hungary 1 2%
Indonesia 1 2%
Ireland 1 2%
Italy 6 10%
Japan 1 2%
Jordan 1 2%
Mauritius 1 2%
Norway 1 2%
Oman 1 2%
Singapore 1 2%
Spain 9 14%
Switzerland 1 2%
Taiwan 1 2%
United States 7 11%

An international internship or work abroad experience

Organized and sponsored by UC Berkeley? 62 95
40% 61%
Did you/will you receive academic credit? 38 119
24% 76%
Did or does the program entail intensive foreign language? 36 121
23% 77%

In which country were you located?

Belgium 2 2%
Bolivia 3 2%
Brazil 3 2%
Canada 2 2%
Chile 4 3%
China 9 7%
Costa Rica 2 2%
France 6 4%
Germany 7 5%
Ghana 1 1%
Honduras 2 2%
Hong Kong 3 2%
Hungary 1 1%
India 10 7%
Indonesia 1 1%
Ireland 9 7%
Israel 2 2%
Italy 3 2%
Japan 5 4%
Jordan 1 1%
Kenya 1 1%
Korea, South 8 6%
Mauritius 2 1%
Mozambique 1 1%
Nicaragua 2 2%
Oman 1 1%
Pakistan 2 2%
Peru 1 1%
Philippines 2 2%
Singapore 12 9%
Spain 7 5%
Sweden 1 1%
Switzerland 1 1%
Taiwan 4 3%
Thailand 4 3%
Tunisia 1 1%
United Kingdom 6 4%
United States 3 2%
Vietnam 1 1%
Other 1 1%

A service learning or volunteer service opportunity in another country

Organized and sponsored by UC Berkeley? 16 146
10% 90%
Did you/will you receive academic credit? 45 117
28% 72%
Did or does the program entail intensive foreign language? 45 117
28% 72%

In which country were you located?

Antarctica 1 1%
Argentina 2 1%
Australia 1 1%
Belize 1 1%
Bolivia 2 1%
Bosnia and Herzegovina 1 1%
Brazil 1 1%
Cambodia 2 1%
Canada 1 1%
Chile 2 1%
China 10 7%
Costa Rica 6 4%
Dominican Republic 6 4%
Ecuador 5 4%
France 1 1%
Germany 1 1%
Ghana 5 4%
Guatemala 2 1%
Honduras 18 13%
India 7 5%
Indonesia 1 1%
Iran 1 1%
Italy 2 1%
Japan 3 2%
Korea, South 1 1%
Mexico 2 1%
Mozambique 1 1%
Nepal 2 1%
New Zealand 1 1%
Nicaragua 11 8%
Panama 3 2%
Peru 12 8%
Philippines 3 2%
Romania 1 1%
South Africa 1 1%
Switzerland 1 1%
Taiwan 4 3%
Tanzania 2 1%
Thailand 2 1%
Turkey 2 1%
Uganda 1 1%
United Kingdom 2 1%
United States 2 1%
Vietnam 3 2%
Zambia 1 1%
Other 3 2%

A research project or field placement in another country

Organized and sponsored by UC Berkeley? 35 50
41% 59%
Did you/will you receive academic credit? 19 66
22% 78%
Did or does the program entail intensive foreign language? 18 67
21% 79%

In which country were you located?

Australia 1 2%
Bolivia 1 2%
Brazil 1 2%
Chile 2 3%
China 3 5%
Costa Rica 2 3%
Denmark 2 3%
Ecuador 3 5%
France 2 3%
French Polynesia 4 6%
Germany 4 6%
Greece 1 2%
Guatemala 2 3%
Honduras 2 3%
India 6 9%
Indonesia 1 2%
Israel 1 2%
Italy 2 3%
Japan 4 6%
Jordan 1 2%
Kenya 1 2%
Korea, South 1 2%
Micronesia, Federated States of 1 2%
Morocco 1 2%
Nepal 1 2%
Nicaragua 2 3%
Pakistan 1 2%
Russia 1 2%
Singapore 2 3%
South Africa 1 2%
Spain 1 2%
Switzerland 2 3%
Taiwan 4 6%
Uganda 1 2%
Other 1 2%

18.  Please answer the following questions about the program or activity you checked. How much did or will your experience abroad contribute to each of the following:

 Little or not at allSomewhatA great deal
Foreign language proficiency 220 176 239
35% 28% 38%
Cultural awareness 25 164 448
4% 26% 70%
Self-confidence 38 217 382
6% 34% 60%
Clarifying my choice of major or career 152 210 274
24% 33% 43%

19.  Why did you decide to pursue an international experience as part of your undergraduate studies? (Select up to three)

To enhance my career and employment prospects 316
To understand my own culture from outside its confines 240
To acquire greater proficiency in a foreign language 251
To understand a foreign culture and develop my intercultural skills 440
To take time off from my regular studies and enjoy a new environment 385
To gain insights about my family's heritage 74

20.  In your own words, what has been or will be the most significant contribution of your participation to your overall undergraduate education?

[Contact OPA for more information]

Final Question

What is the SINGLE, MOST IMPORTANT thing that your campus could realistically do to create a better undergraduate experience for students like you? Please describe only one and try use fewer than 50 words (256 characters).

[Contact OPA for more information]

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