2014 UCUES: Part 3

Academic Experience and Globalization

1.  We would like to hear more about being an undergraduate at a research university. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements.

 Strongly disagreeDisagreeDisagree somewhatAgree somewhatAgreeStrongly agree
UC Berkeley has a strong commitment to undergraduate education 85 162 330 1238 1676 746
2% 4% 8% 29% 40% 18%
Attending a university with world-class researchers is important to me 67 151 280 1000 1436 1293
2% 4% 7% 24% 34% 31%

2.  How important to you are the following aspects of being an undergraduate at a research university like UC Berkeley?

 Not importantNot very importantSomewhat importantImportantVery importantEssential
Having courses with faculty members who refer to their own research as part of the class 172 585 956 1306 836 344
4% 14% 23% 31% 20% 8%
Learning research methods 77 240 750 1364 1065 695
2% 6% 18% 33% 25% 17%
Assisting faculty members in their research, for pay or as a volunteer 162 434 778 1217 952 646
4% 10% 19% 29% 23% 15%
Pursuing your own research 164 510 862 1185 860 601
4% 12% 21% 28% 21% 14%
The prestige of this campus when you apply to grad school or for a job 63 113 463 1109 1265 1173
2% 3% 11% 27% 30% 28%

3.  Have you completed or are you now participating in each of the following activities?

 Yes, doing now or have doneNo
First-year seminar 1785 2377
43% 57%
Courses that involve themes related to diversity 2648 1522
64% 37%
Capstone or senior thesis courses 549 3603
13% 87%
Service learning or community-based learning 1090 3063
26% 74%
Formal undergraduate research programs 986 3171
24% 76%
Formal creative activity or scholarship (such as in published collection, play, or gallery exhibit) 459 3697
11% 89%
Honors program 382 3776
9% 91%
Internship under the direction of a faculty member 467 3690
11% 89%
Other internship (e.g., co-op, clinical assignment) 1209 2946
29% 71%
Any UC study abroad, including summer study abroad 569 3586
14% 86%
Study abroad program affiliated with another college or university 280 3867
7% 93%
Traveled abroad for a service learning, volunteer, or work experience 594 3555
14% 86%

4.  As a UC Berkeley student, how would you rate your competencies below?

When you started here

 Very poorPoorFairGoodVery goodExcellent
Linguistic and cultural competency in at least one language other than my own 277 649 1164 1041 652 392
7% 16% 28% 25% 16% 9%
Ability to work with people from other cultures 26 113 803 1493 1100 635
1% 3% 19% 36% 26% 15%

Current ability level

 Very poorPoorFairGoodVery goodExcellent
Linguistic and cultural competency in at least one language other than my own 249 547 861 1012 900 549
6% 13% 21% 25% 22% 13%
Ability to work with people from other cultures 23 25 283 1142 1610 1031
1% 1% 7% 28% 39% 25%

5.  During this academic year, how often have each of the following been obstacles to your school work or academic success?

 Not at allRarelyOccasionallyFrequentlyAll the time
Competing job responsibilities (i.e., paid employment) 1671 703 939 572 226
41% 17% 23% 14% 6%
Competing family responsibilities 1186 1137 1059 519 204
29% 28% 26% 13% 5%
Other competing responsibilities (e.g., athletics, clubs, internship) 918 867 1273 766 283
22% 21% 31% 19% 7%
Weak English skills 2986 533 375 169 59
72% 13% 9% 4% 1%
Weak math skills 2198 890 650 269 94
54% 22% 16% 7% 2%
Inadequate study skills (e.g., knowing how to start, knowing how to get help, organizing material) 1104 1125 1183 489 218
27% 27% 29% 12% 5%
Poor study behaviors (e.g., wait till last minute, too much social time, too much web surfing) 623 826 1355 945 364
15% 20% 33% 23% 9%
Bad study environment (e.g., noisy roommate, poor Internet access, inadequate computer or software) 726 1110 1406 683 187
18% 27% 34% 17% 5%
Feeling depressed, stressed, or upset 570 882 1318 891 448
14% 22% 32% 22% 11%
Physical illness or condition 1541 1406 780 268 106
38% 34% 19% 7% 3%
Military deployment 3707 177 134 59 24
90% 4% 3% 1% 1%
Inability to concentrate on my work 782 880 1357 786 305
19% 21% 33% 19% 7%
Reluctance to ask for help when I need it 971 1117 1247 551 221
24% 27% 30% 13% 5%

6.  How important is it to you to graduate in four years or, if you are a transfer student, in two years?

Not important 164 4%
Not very important 285 7%
Somewhat important 553 14%
Important 689 17%
Very important 1163 29%
Essential 1203 30%
Not applicable 96

7.  Based on your experience and observation, rate the general climate for students at UC Berkeley along the following dimensions: Campus climate is...

(1) Friendly 814 20%
(2) 1714 41%
(3) 1025 25%
(4) 410 10%
(5) 137 3%
(6) Hostile 40 1%
(1) Caring 497 12%
(2) 1160 28%
(3) 1245 30%
(4) 703 17%
(5) 386 9%
(6) Impersonal 145 4%
(1) Intellectual 1944 47%
(2) 1503 36%
(3) 471 11%
(4) 163 4%
(5) 36 1%
(6) Not intellectual 15 0%
(1) Tolerant of diversity 1335 32%
(2) 1572 38%
(3) 771 19%
(4) 313 8%
(5) 90 2%
(6) Intolerant of diversity 52 1%
(1) Appreciative of diversity 1241 30%
(2) 1459 35%
(3) 847 21%
(4) 396 10%
(5) 126 3%
(6) Unappreciative of diversity 60 2%
(1) Safe 394 10%
(2) 1039 25%
(3) 1318 32%
(4) 842 21%
(5) 400 10%
(6) Dangerous 110 3%
(1) Too hard academically 554 13%
(2) 1386 34%
(3) 1591 38%
(4) 513 12%
(5) 81 2%
(6) Too easy academically 15 0%
(1) Affordable 182 4%
(2) 622 15%
(3) 1286 31%
(4) 1051 25%
(5) 671 16%
(6) Not affordable 325 8%

8.  How often have you gained a deeper understanding of other perspectives through interactions with fellow students because they differed from you in the following ways?

 NeverRarelyOccasionallySomewhat oftenOftenVery often
Religious beliefs 439 726 1097 863 721 266
11% 18% 27% 21% 18% 7%
Political opinions 317 681 1134 928 768 273
8% 17% 28% 23% 19% 7%
Nationality 230 417 1027 1052 997 374
6% 10% 25% 26% 24% 9%
Race or ethnicity 217 396 977 1008 1054 450
5% 10% 24% 25% 26% 11%
Gender 326 570 1002 915 898 385
8% 14% 25% 22% 22% 9%
Sexual orientation 390 644 936 886 836 413
10% 16% 23% 22% 20% 10%
Social class 257 557 1078 916 870 410
6% 14% 26% 22% 21% 10%

9.  In this academic year, I have heard teaching faculty or instructors express negative or stereotypical views about:

 NeverRarelyOccasionallySomewhat oftenOftenVery often
Races or ethnicities 2707 814 343 128 72 28
66% 20% 8% 3% 2% 1%
Genders 2685 839 334 135 70 26
66% 21% 8% 3% 2% 1%
Sexual orientations 2980 705 215 104 44 25
73% 17% 5% 3% 1% 1%
Political affiliation, opinions or beliefs 2128 887 611 264 136 57
52% 22% 15% 7% 3% 1%
Religions 2680 780 338 147 93 38
66% 19% 8% 4% 2% 1%
Social classes 2733 779 301 137 99 34
67% 19% 7% 3% 2% 1%
Immigrant backgrounds 2891 753 241 103 66 25
71% 19% 6% 3% 2% 1%
Physical or other observable disabilities 3172 601 150 83 47 25
78% 15% 4% 2% 1% 1%
Learning, psychological, or other disabilities that are not readily apparent 3076 640 185 93 60 26
75% 16% 5% 2% 2% 1%

10.  In this academic year, I have heard non-teaching staff or administrators express negative or stereotypical views about:

 NeverRarelyOccasionallySomewhat oftenOftenVery often
Races or ethnicities 2621 722 402 180 87 36
65% 18% 10% 4% 2% 1%
Genders 2703 713 370 157 76 31
67% 18% 9% 4% 2% 1%
Sexual orientations 2762 681 359 141 66 34
68% 17% 9% 4% 2% 1%
Political affiliation, opinions or beliefs 2555 713 403 194 123 54
63% 18% 10% 5% 3% 1%
Religions 2738 680 335 156 101 36
68% 17% 8% 4% 3% 1%
Social classes 2740 694 330 144 97 36
68% 17% 8% 4% 2% 1%
Immigrant backgrounds 2770 707 310 141 67 33
69% 18% 8% 4% 2% 1%
Physical or other observable disabilities 2983 657 238 103 41 22
74% 16% 6% 3% 1% 1%
Learning, psychological, or other disabilities that are not readily apparent 2947 648 250 113 51 25
73% 16% 6% 3% 1% 1%

11.  In this academic year, I have heard students express negative or stereotypical views about:

 NeverRarelyOccasionallySomewhat oftenOftenVery often
Races or ethnicities 647 1001 1376 545 357 137
16% 25% 34% 13% 9% 3%
Genders 881 1095 1195 458 292 136
22% 27% 30% 11% 7% 3%
Sexual orientations 988 1170 1079 424 265 117
24% 29% 27% 11% 7% 3%
Political affiliation, opinions or beliefs 751 918 1149 580 421 231
19% 23% 28% 14% 10% 6%
Religions 952 1112 1042 464 319 158
24% 28% 26% 12% 8% 4%
Social classes 1161 1147 983 392 239 128
29% 28% 24% 10% 6% 3%
Immigrant backgrounds 1270 1123 977 332 231 110
31% 28% 24% 8% 6% 3%
Physical or other observable disabilities 1942 1104 620 185 128 65
48% 27% 15% 5% 3% 2%
Learning, psychological, or other disabilities that are not readily apparent 1883 1078 646 221 145 74
47% 27% 16% 6% 4% 2%

12.  Please rate your awareness and understanding of the following issues when you started at this campus and now.

When you started here

 Very poorPoorFairGoodVery goodExcellent
My own racial and ethnic identity 62 257 1130 1306 767 503
2% 6% 28% 32% 19% 13%
Social class and economic differences/issues 47 312 1323 1364 651 321
1% 8% 33% 34% 16% 8%
Racial and ethnic differences/issues 56 303 1362 1374 625 293
1% 8% 34% 34% 16% 7%
Gender differences/issues 78 407 1289 1337 587 296
2% 10% 32% 34% 15% 7%
Sexual orientation differences/issues 106 454 1319 1269 557 287
3% 11% 33% 32% 14% 7%
Physical or other observable disabilities 107 495 1356 1209 552 293
3% 12% 34% 30% 14% 7%
Learning, psychological, or other disabilities that are not readily apparent 135 533 1344 1170 532 289
3% 13% 34% 29% 13% 7%

Current ability level

 Very poorPoorFairGoodVery goodExcellent
My own racial and ethnic identity 28 71 406 1340 1361 787
1% 2% 10% 34% 34% 20%
Social class and economic differences/issues 16 40 357 1345 1514 717
0% 1% 9% 34% 38% 18%
Racial and ethnic differences/issues 15 40 377 1397 1479 673
0% 1% 10% 35% 37% 17%
Gender differences/issues 19 53 409 1338 1433 719
1% 1% 10% 34% 36% 18%
Sexual orientation differences/issues 24 70 456 1340 1399 676
1% 2% 12% 34% 35% 17%
Physical or other observable disabilities 36 138 736 1434 1122 518
1% 4% 19% 36% 28% 13%
Learning, psychological, or other disabilities that are not readily apparent 42 169 747 1378 1093 555
1% 4% 19% 35% 27% 14%

13.  What is your level of agreement or disagreement with the following:

 Strongly disagreeDisagreeSomewhat disagreeSomewhat agreeAgreeStrongly agree
I feel valued as an individual on this campus 190 362 683 1457 1074 277
5% 9% 17% 36% 27% 7%
I am proud to be a student at this campus 59 83 173 817 1572 1340
2% 2% 4% 20% 39% 33%
This institution values students' opinions 133 217 559 1392 1285 454
3% 5% 14% 35% 32% 11%
Diversity is important on this campus 88 135 317 1092 1562 847
2% 3% 8% 27% 39% 21%
Diversity is important to me 74 94 226 874 1484 1282
2% 2% 6% 22% 37% 32%

Community and Civic Engagement

14.  Campus-Based activities and organizations

 Participant or memberOfficer or leaderNeither
Academic (e.g., math club, philosophy club) 864 358 2756
22% 9% 69%
Advocacy (e.g., Amnesty International, Living Wage Advocacy, Sierra Club) 374 179 3414
9% 5% 86%
Campus Sports Club (e.g., rugby club, Kendo club) 442 152 3358
11% 4% 85%
Campus Varsity Team (e.g., basketball, softball, soccer) 159 51 3733
4% 1% 95%
Governing Bodies (e.g., student government, panhellenic, residence hall association) 227 193 3521
6% 5% 89%
Greek fraternity or sorority 363 327 3283
9% 8% 83%
Honor society 419 118 3426
11% 3% 86%
Media (e.g., campus newspaper, radio station) 235 107 3609
6% 3% 91%
Performing group (e.g., school band, dance team) 375 166 3414
10% 4% 86%
Political (e.g., Young Republicans, College Democrats) 175 56 3721
4% 1% 94%
Recreational (e.g., chess club, bike club, rock climbing club) 540 101 3299
14% 3% 84%
Religious (e.g., Korean Campus Ministry, World Peace Buddhist Club) 482 148 3325
12% 4% 84%
Service (e.g., Special Olympics volunteers Club, Jewish Social Action Committee) 639 301 3007
16% 8% 76%
Other campus-based club or organization 866 397 2621
22% 10% 68%

15.  DURING THIS ACADEMIC YEAR, have you done community service either on or off campus?

No 1858 46%
Yes 2200 54%

15a.  How did you get involved in community service? If you have been involved in more than one form of community service, please answer for the one that has been the largest time commitment.

Through a campus-based course 497 1497
25% 75%
Through a campus-based organization or program 1487 596
71% 29%
Through an off-campus organization 1061 976
52% 48%

15b.  To what extent has participation in community-focused activities at this University influenced your desire to continue community-focused activities after you graduate?

Not at all 367 17%
To some extent 1213 56%
To a great extent 593 27%

16.  In the classroom, how often have you been asked to ...

 NeverRarelyOccasionallySometimesOftenVery often
Appreciate the world from someone else's perspective 216 426 738 1095 1139 372
5% 11% 19% 28% 29% 9%
Interact with someone with views that are different from your own 135 329 635 1050 1336 494
3% 8% 16% 26% 34% 12%
Discuss and navigate controversial issues 153 405 653 1027 1220 507
4% 10% 17% 26% 31% 13%

17.  Outside the classroom, how often do you ...

 NeverRarelyOccasionallySometimesOftenVery often
Appreciate the world from someone else's perspective 75 197 598 1029 1451 632
2% 5% 15% 26% 36% 16%
Interact with someone with views that are different from your own 61 202 532 988 1453 741
2% 5% 13% 25% 37% 19%
Discuss and navigate controversial issues 84 296 634 1070 1230 657
2% 8% 16% 27% 31% 17%

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                Part 4