Academic Experience and Globalization
1. We would like to hear more about being an undergraduate at a research university. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements.
| Strongly disagree | Disagree | Disagree somewhat | Agree somewhat | Agree | Strongly agree |
UC Berkeley has a strong commitment to undergraduate education |
85 |
162 |
330 |
1238 |
1676 |
746 |
2% |
4% |
8% |
29% |
40% |
18% |
Attending a university with world-class researchers is important to me |
67 |
151 |
280 |
1000 |
1436 |
1293 |
2% |
4% |
7% |
24% |
34% |
31% |
2. How important to you are the following aspects of being an undergraduate at a research university like UC Berkeley?
| Not important | Not very important | Somewhat important | Important | Very important | Essential |
Having courses with faculty members who refer to their own research as part of the class |
172 |
585 |
956 |
1306 |
836 |
344 |
4% |
14% |
23% |
31% |
20% |
8% |
Learning research methods |
77 |
240 |
750 |
1364 |
1065 |
695 |
2% |
6% |
18% |
33% |
25% |
17% |
Assisting faculty members in their research, for pay or as a volunteer |
162 |
434 |
778 |
1217 |
952 |
646 |
4% |
10% |
19% |
29% |
23% |
15% |
Pursuing your own research |
164 |
510 |
862 |
1185 |
860 |
601 |
4% |
12% |
21% |
28% |
21% |
14% |
The prestige of this campus when you apply to grad school or for a job |
63 |
113 |
463 |
1109 |
1265 |
1173 |
2% |
3% |
11% |
27% |
30% |
28% |
3. Have you completed or are you now participating in each of the following activities?
| Yes, doing now or have done | No |
First-year seminar |
1785 |
2377 |
43% |
57% |
Courses that involve themes related to diversity |
2648 |
1522 |
64% |
37% |
Capstone or senior thesis courses |
549 |
3603 |
13% |
87% |
Service learning or community-based learning |
1090 |
3063 |
26% |
74% |
Formal undergraduate research programs |
986 |
3171 |
24% |
76% |
Formal creative activity or scholarship (such as in published collection, play, or gallery exhibit) |
459 |
3697 |
11% |
89% |
Honors program |
382 |
3776 |
9% |
91% |
Internship under the direction of a faculty member |
467 |
3690 |
11% |
89% |
Other internship (e.g., co-op, clinical assignment) |
1209 |
2946 |
29% |
71% |
Any UC study abroad, including summer study abroad |
569 |
3586 |
14% |
86% |
Study abroad program affiliated with another college or university |
280 |
3867 |
7% |
93% |
Traveled abroad for a service learning, volunteer, or work experience |
594 |
3555 |
14% |
86% |
4. As a UC Berkeley student, how would you rate your competencies below?
When you started here
| Very poor | Poor | Fair | Good | Very good | Excellent |
Linguistic and cultural competency in at least one language other than my own |
277 |
649 |
1164 |
1041 |
652 |
392 |
7% |
16% |
28% |
25% |
16% |
9% |
Ability to work with people from other cultures |
26 |
113 |
803 |
1493 |
1100 |
635 |
1% |
3% |
19% |
36% |
26% |
15% |
Current ability level
| Very poor | Poor | Fair | Good | Very good | Excellent |
Linguistic and cultural competency in at least one language other than my own |
249 |
547 |
861 |
1012 |
900 |
549 |
6% |
13% |
21% |
25% |
22% |
13% |
Ability to work with people from other cultures |
23 |
25 |
283 |
1142 |
1610 |
1031 |
1% |
1% |
7% |
28% |
39% |
25% |
5. During this academic year, how often have each of the following been obstacles to your school work or academic success?
| Not at all | Rarely | Occasionally | Frequently | All the time |
Competing job responsibilities (i.e., paid employment) |
1671 |
703 |
939 |
572 |
226 |
41% |
17% |
23% |
14% |
6% |
Competing family responsibilities |
1186 |
1137 |
1059 |
519 |
204 |
29% |
28% |
26% |
13% |
5% |
Other competing responsibilities (e.g., athletics, clubs, internship) |
918 |
867 |
1273 |
766 |
283 |
22% |
21% |
31% |
19% |
7% |
Weak English skills |
2986 |
533 |
375 |
169 |
59 |
72% |
13% |
9% |
4% |
1% |
Weak math skills |
2198 |
890 |
650 |
269 |
94 |
54% |
22% |
16% |
7% |
2% |
Inadequate study skills (e.g., knowing how to start, knowing how to get help, organizing material) |
1104 |
1125 |
1183 |
489 |
218 |
27% |
27% |
29% |
12% |
5% |
Poor study behaviors (e.g., wait till last minute, too much social time, too much web surfing) |
623 |
826 |
1355 |
945 |
364 |
15% |
20% |
33% |
23% |
9% |
Bad study environment (e.g., noisy roommate, poor Internet access, inadequate computer or software) |
726 |
1110 |
1406 |
683 |
187 |
18% |
27% |
34% |
17% |
5% |
Feeling depressed, stressed, or upset |
570 |
882 |
1318 |
891 |
448 |
14% |
22% |
32% |
22% |
11% |
Physical illness or condition |
1541 |
1406 |
780 |
268 |
106 |
38% |
34% |
19% |
7% |
3% |
Military deployment |
3707 |
177 |
134 |
59 |
24 |
90% |
4% |
3% |
1% |
1% |
Inability to concentrate on my work |
782 |
880 |
1357 |
786 |
305 |
19% |
21% |
33% |
19% |
7% |
Reluctance to ask for help when I need it |
971 |
1117 |
1247 |
551 |
221 |
24% |
27% |
30% |
13% |
5% |
6. How important is it to you to graduate in four years or, if you are a transfer student, in two years?
Response | Number | Percent |
Not important |
164 |
4% |
Not very important |
285 |
7% |
Somewhat important |
553 |
14% |
Important |
689 |
17% |
Very important |
1163 |
29% |
Essential |
1203 |
30% |
Not applicable |
96 |
7. Based on your experience and observation, rate the general climate for students at UC Berkeley along the following dimensions: Campus climate is...
Response | Number | Percent |
(1) Friendly |
814 |
20% |
(2) |
1714 |
41% |
(3) |
1025 |
25% |
(4) |
410 |
10% |
(5) |
137 |
3% |
(6) Hostile |
40 |
1% |
Response | Number | Percent |
(1) Caring |
497 |
12% |
(2) |
1160 |
28% |
(3) |
1245 |
30% |
(4) |
703 |
17% |
(5) |
386 |
9% |
(6) Impersonal |
145 |
4% |
Response | Number | Percent |
(1) Intellectual |
1944 |
47% |
(2) |
1503 |
36% |
(3) |
471 |
11% |
(4) |
163 |
4% |
(5) |
36 |
1% |
(6) Not intellectual |
15 |
0% |
Response | Number | Percent |
(1) Tolerant of diversity |
1335 |
32% |
(2) |
1572 |
38% |
(3) |
771 |
19% |
(4) |
313 |
8% |
(5) |
90 |
2% |
(6) Intolerant of diversity |
52 |
1% |
Response | Number | Percent |
(1) Appreciative of diversity |
1241 |
30% |
(2) |
1459 |
35% |
(3) |
847 |
21% |
(4) |
396 |
10% |
(5) |
126 |
3% |
(6) Unappreciative of diversity |
60 |
2% |
Response | Number | Percent |
(1) Safe |
394 |
10% |
(2) |
1039 |
25% |
(3) |
1318 |
32% |
(4) |
842 |
21% |
(5) |
400 |
10% |
(6) Dangerous |
110 |
3% |
Response | Number | Percent |
(1) Too hard academically |
554 |
13% |
(2) |
1386 |
34% |
(3) |
1591 |
38% |
(4) |
513 |
12% |
(5) |
81 |
2% |
(6) Too easy academically |
15 |
0% |
Response | Number | Percent |
(1) Affordable |
182 |
4% |
(2) |
622 |
15% |
(3) |
1286 |
31% |
(4) |
1051 |
25% |
(5) |
671 |
16% |
(6) Not affordable |
325 |
8% |
8. How often have you gained a deeper understanding of other perspectives through interactions with fellow students because they differed from you in the following ways?
| Never | Rarely | Occasionally | Somewhat often | Often | Very often |
Religious beliefs |
439 |
726 |
1097 |
863 |
721 |
266 |
11% |
18% |
27% |
21% |
18% |
7% |
Political opinions |
317 |
681 |
1134 |
928 |
768 |
273 |
8% |
17% |
28% |
23% |
19% |
7% |
Nationality |
230 |
417 |
1027 |
1052 |
997 |
374 |
6% |
10% |
25% |
26% |
24% |
9% |
Race or ethnicity |
217 |
396 |
977 |
1008 |
1054 |
450 |
5% |
10% |
24% |
25% |
26% |
11% |
Gender |
326 |
570 |
1002 |
915 |
898 |
385 |
8% |
14% |
25% |
22% |
22% |
9% |
Sexual orientation |
390 |
644 |
936 |
886 |
836 |
413 |
10% |
16% |
23% |
22% |
20% |
10% |
Social class |
257 |
557 |
1078 |
916 |
870 |
410 |
6% |
14% |
26% |
22% |
21% |
10% |
9. In this academic year, I have heard teaching faculty or instructors express negative or stereotypical views about:
| Never | Rarely | Occasionally | Somewhat often | Often | Very often |
Races or ethnicities |
2707 |
814 |
343 |
128 |
72 |
28 |
66% |
20% |
8% |
3% |
2% |
1% |
Genders |
2685 |
839 |
334 |
135 |
70 |
26 |
66% |
21% |
8% |
3% |
2% |
1% |
Sexual orientations |
2980 |
705 |
215 |
104 |
44 |
25 |
73% |
17% |
5% |
3% |
1% |
1% |
Political affiliation, opinions or beliefs |
2128 |
887 |
611 |
264 |
136 |
57 |
52% |
22% |
15% |
7% |
3% |
1% |
Religions |
2680 |
780 |
338 |
147 |
93 |
38 |
66% |
19% |
8% |
4% |
2% |
1% |
Social classes |
2733 |
779 |
301 |
137 |
99 |
34 |
67% |
19% |
7% |
3% |
2% |
1% |
Immigrant backgrounds |
2891 |
753 |
241 |
103 |
66 |
25 |
71% |
19% |
6% |
3% |
2% |
1% |
Physical or other observable disabilities |
3172 |
601 |
150 |
83 |
47 |
25 |
78% |
15% |
4% |
2% |
1% |
1% |
Learning, psychological, or other disabilities that are not readily apparent |
3076 |
640 |
185 |
93 |
60 |
26 |
75% |
16% |
5% |
2% |
2% |
1% |
10. In this academic year, I have heard non-teaching staff or administrators express negative or stereotypical views about:
| Never | Rarely | Occasionally | Somewhat often | Often | Very often |
Races or ethnicities |
2621 |
722 |
402 |
180 |
87 |
36 |
65% |
18% |
10% |
4% |
2% |
1% |
Genders |
2703 |
713 |
370 |
157 |
76 |
31 |
67% |
18% |
9% |
4% |
2% |
1% |
Sexual orientations |
2762 |
681 |
359 |
141 |
66 |
34 |
68% |
17% |
9% |
4% |
2% |
1% |
Political affiliation, opinions or beliefs |
2555 |
713 |
403 |
194 |
123 |
54 |
63% |
18% |
10% |
5% |
3% |
1% |
Religions |
2738 |
680 |
335 |
156 |
101 |
36 |
68% |
17% |
8% |
4% |
3% |
1% |
Social classes |
2740 |
694 |
330 |
144 |
97 |
36 |
68% |
17% |
8% |
4% |
2% |
1% |
Immigrant backgrounds |
2770 |
707 |
310 |
141 |
67 |
33 |
69% |
18% |
8% |
4% |
2% |
1% |
Physical or other observable disabilities |
2983 |
657 |
238 |
103 |
41 |
22 |
74% |
16% |
6% |
3% |
1% |
1% |
Learning, psychological, or other disabilities that are not readily apparent |
2947 |
648 |
250 |
113 |
51 |
25 |
73% |
16% |
6% |
3% |
1% |
1% |
11. In this academic year, I have heard students express negative or stereotypical views about:
| Never | Rarely | Occasionally | Somewhat often | Often | Very often |
Races or ethnicities |
647 |
1001 |
1376 |
545 |
357 |
137 |
16% |
25% |
34% |
13% |
9% |
3% |
Genders |
881 |
1095 |
1195 |
458 |
292 |
136 |
22% |
27% |
30% |
11% |
7% |
3% |
Sexual orientations |
988 |
1170 |
1079 |
424 |
265 |
117 |
24% |
29% |
27% |
11% |
7% |
3% |
Political affiliation, opinions or beliefs |
751 |
918 |
1149 |
580 |
421 |
231 |
19% |
23% |
28% |
14% |
10% |
6% |
Religions |
952 |
1112 |
1042 |
464 |
319 |
158 |
24% |
28% |
26% |
12% |
8% |
4% |
Social classes |
1161 |
1147 |
983 |
392 |
239 |
128 |
29% |
28% |
24% |
10% |
6% |
3% |
Immigrant backgrounds |
1270 |
1123 |
977 |
332 |
231 |
110 |
31% |
28% |
24% |
8% |
6% |
3% |
Physical or other observable disabilities |
1942 |
1104 |
620 |
185 |
128 |
65 |
48% |
27% |
15% |
5% |
3% |
2% |
Learning, psychological, or other disabilities that are not readily apparent |
1883 |
1078 |
646 |
221 |
145 |
74 |
47% |
27% |
16% |
6% |
4% |
2% |
12. Please rate your awareness and understanding of the following issues when you started at this campus and now.
When you started here
| Very poor | Poor | Fair | Good | Very good | Excellent |
My own racial and ethnic identity |
62 |
257 |
1130 |
1306 |
767 |
503 |
2% |
6% |
28% |
32% |
19% |
13% |
Social class and economic differences/issues |
47 |
312 |
1323 |
1364 |
651 |
321 |
1% |
8% |
33% |
34% |
16% |
8% |
Racial and ethnic differences/issues |
56 |
303 |
1362 |
1374 |
625 |
293 |
1% |
8% |
34% |
34% |
16% |
7% |
Gender differences/issues |
78 |
407 |
1289 |
1337 |
587 |
296 |
2% |
10% |
32% |
34% |
15% |
7% |
Sexual orientation differences/issues |
106 |
454 |
1319 |
1269 |
557 |
287 |
3% |
11% |
33% |
32% |
14% |
7% |
Physical or other observable disabilities |
107 |
495 |
1356 |
1209 |
552 |
293 |
3% |
12% |
34% |
30% |
14% |
7% |
Learning, psychological, or other disabilities that are not readily apparent |
135 |
533 |
1344 |
1170 |
532 |
289 |
3% |
13% |
34% |
29% |
13% |
7% |
Current ability level
| Very poor | Poor | Fair | Good | Very good | Excellent |
My own racial and ethnic identity |
28 |
71 |
406 |
1340 |
1361 |
787 |
1% |
2% |
10% |
34% |
34% |
20% |
Social class and economic differences/issues |
16 |
40 |
357 |
1345 |
1514 |
717 |
0% |
1% |
9% |
34% |
38% |
18% |
Racial and ethnic differences/issues |
15 |
40 |
377 |
1397 |
1479 |
673 |
0% |
1% |
10% |
35% |
37% |
17% |
Gender differences/issues |
19 |
53 |
409 |
1338 |
1433 |
719 |
1% |
1% |
10% |
34% |
36% |
18% |
Sexual orientation differences/issues |
24 |
70 |
456 |
1340 |
1399 |
676 |
1% |
2% |
12% |
34% |
35% |
17% |
Physical or other observable disabilities |
36 |
138 |
736 |
1434 |
1122 |
518 |
1% |
4% |
19% |
36% |
28% |
13% |
Learning, psychological, or other disabilities that are not readily apparent |
42 |
169 |
747 |
1378 |
1093 |
555 |
1% |
4% |
19% |
35% |
27% |
14% |
13. What is your level of agreement or disagreement with the following:
| Strongly disagree | Disagree | Somewhat disagree | Somewhat agree | Agree | Strongly agree |
I feel valued as an individual on this campus |
190 |
362 |
683 |
1457 |
1074 |
277 |
5% |
9% |
17% |
36% |
27% |
7% |
I am proud to be a student at this campus |
59 |
83 |
173 |
817 |
1572 |
1340 |
2% |
2% |
4% |
20% |
39% |
33% |
This institution values students' opinions |
133 |
217 |
559 |
1392 |
1285 |
454 |
3% |
5% |
14% |
35% |
32% |
11% |
Diversity is important on this campus |
88 |
135 |
317 |
1092 |
1562 |
847 |
2% |
3% |
8% |
27% |
39% |
21% |
Diversity is important to me |
74 |
94 |
226 |
874 |
1484 |
1282 |
2% |
2% |
6% |
22% |
37% |
32% |
Community and Civic Engagement
14. Campus-Based activities and organizations
| Participant or member | Officer or leader | Neither |
Academic (e.g., math club, philosophy club) |
864 |
358 |
2756 |
22% |
9% |
69% |
Advocacy (e.g., Amnesty International, Living Wage Advocacy, Sierra Club) |
374 |
179 |
3414 |
9% |
5% |
86% |
Campus Sports Club (e.g., rugby club, Kendo club) |
442 |
152 |
3358 |
11% |
4% |
85% |
Campus Varsity Team (e.g., basketball, softball, soccer) |
159 |
51 |
3733 |
4% |
1% |
95% |
Governing Bodies (e.g., student government, panhellenic, residence hall association) |
227 |
193 |
3521 |
6% |
5% |
89% |
Greek fraternity or sorority |
363 |
327 |
3283 |
9% |
8% |
83% |
Honor society |
419 |
118 |
3426 |
11% |
3% |
86% |
Media (e.g., campus newspaper, radio station) |
235 |
107 |
3609 |
6% |
3% |
91% |
Performing group (e.g., school band, dance team) |
375 |
166 |
3414 |
10% |
4% |
86% |
Political (e.g., Young Republicans, College Democrats) |
175 |
56 |
3721 |
4% |
1% |
94% |
Recreational (e.g., chess club, bike club, rock climbing club) |
540 |
101 |
3299 |
14% |
3% |
84% |
Religious (e.g., Korean Campus Ministry, World Peace Buddhist Club) |
482 |
148 |
3325 |
12% |
4% |
84% |
Service (e.g., Special Olympics volunteers Club, Jewish Social Action Committee) |
639 |
301 |
3007 |
16% |
8% |
76% |
Other campus-based club or organization |
866 |
397 |
2621 |
22% |
10% |
68% |
15. DURING THIS ACADEMIC YEAR, have you done community service either on or off campus?
Response | Number | Percent |
No |
1858 |
46% |
Yes |
2200 |
54% |
15a. How did you get involved in community service? If you have been involved in more than one form of community service, please answer for the one that has been the largest time commitment.
| Yes | No |
Through a campus-based course |
497 |
1497 |
25% |
75% |
Through a campus-based organization or program |
1487 |
596 |
71% |
29% |
Through an off-campus organization |
1061 |
976 |
52% |
48% |
15b. To what extent has participation in community-focused activities at this University influenced your desire to continue community-focused activities after you graduate?
Response | Number | Percent |
Not at all |
367 |
17% |
To some extent |
1213 |
56% |
To a great extent |
593 |
27% |
16. In the classroom, how often have you been asked to ...
| Never | Rarely | Occasionally | Sometimes | Often | Very often |
Appreciate the world from someone else's perspective |
216 |
426 |
738 |
1095 |
1139 |
372 |
5% |
11% |
19% |
28% |
29% |
9% |
Interact with someone with views that are different from your own |
135 |
329 |
635 |
1050 |
1336 |
494 |
3% |
8% |
16% |
26% |
34% |
12% |
Discuss and navigate controversial issues |
153 |
405 |
653 |
1027 |
1220 |
507 |
4% |
10% |
17% |
26% |
31% |
13% |
17. Outside the classroom, how often do you ...
| Never | Rarely | Occasionally | Sometimes | Often | Very often |
Appreciate the world from someone else's perspective |
75 |
197 |
598 |
1029 |
1451 |
632 |
2% |
5% |
15% |
26% |
36% |
16% |
Interact with someone with views that are different from your own |
61 |
202 |
532 |
988 |
1453 |
741 |
2% |
5% |
13% |
25% |
37% |
19% |
Discuss and navigate controversial issues |
84 |
296 |
634 |
1070 |
1230 |
657 |
2% |
8% |
16% |
27% |
31% |
17% |
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