2014 SONS Transfer: Results and Summary: Part 4


1. Your expenses may vary from the official estimate, but Berkeley estimates the total cost for California residents living in University housing at about $33,500 for the academic year. How are you paying for your current academic year expenses (e.g., registration fees, housing, meals, transportation, books)? Please check all that apply.

My personal sources of funding (e.g. loans, wages, income, savings, grants & scholarships) 544
My personal sources of funding (e.g. loans, wages, income, savings, grants & scholarships)74%
My parents' sources of funding (e.g., loans, wages, income, savings) 325
My parents' sources of funding (e.g., loans, wages, income, savings)44%
Contributions from grandparents or other family 84
Contributions from grandparents or other family12%
[Contact OPA for more information]
[Contact OPA for more information]

My personal sources of funding (e.g. loans, income, savings, grants & scholarships)

 An amount that I don't know$0 (Zero)$1 to $1,999$2,000 to $4,999$5,000 to $9,999$10,000 to $14,999$15,000 to $19,999$20,000 to $24,999$25,000 or more
Loans to me that I must repay 19 7 21 4 13 2 2 4 11
Loans to me that I must repay23% 8% 25% 5% 16% 2% 2% 5% 13%
My savings and income 50 85 157 102 79 19 11 3 11
My savings and income10% 16% 30% 20% 15% 4% 2% 1% 2%
Grants or scholarships that I do not repay 41 42 40 25 49 69 79 90 93
Grants or scholarships that I do not repay8% 8% 8% 5% 9% 13% 15% 17% 18%

Parents' sources of funding (e.g. loans, income, savings, grants & scholarships)

 An amount that I don't know$0 (Zero)$1 to $1,999$2,000 to $4,999$5,000 to $9,999$10,000 to $14,999$15,000 to $19,999$20,000 to $24,999$25,000 or more
Loans from various sources 93 128 6 8 16 10 5 4 16
Loans from various sources33% 45% 2% 3% 6% 4% 2% 1% 6%
Savings and income 98 12 30 32 36 18 13 7 70
Savings and income31% 4% 10% 10% 11% 6% 4% 2% 22%

Grandparents' or other family members' personal sources of funding (e.g. loans, income, savings, grants & scholarships)

 An amount that I don't know$0 (Zero)$1 to $1,999$2,000 to $4,999$5,000 to $9,999$10,000 to $14,999$15,000 to $19,999$20,000 to $24,999$25,000 or more
Loans from various sources 21 46 1 0 1 1 0 0 2
Loans from various sources29% 64% 1% 0% 1% 1% 0% 0% 3%
Savings and income 19 7 21 4 13 2 2 4 11
Savings and income23% 8% 25% 5% 16% 2% 2% 5% 13%

2. If you worked for pay this past summer, how many hours per week did you usually work?

I did not work any hours this summer 297 41%
1-5 hours 22 3%
6-10 hours 45 6%
11-15 hours 50 7%
16-25 hours 88 12%
26-35 hours 97 13%
More than 35 124 17%

3. About how many hours per week are you expecting to work (paid employment) this semester?

I do not plan to work this semester 385 53%
1-5 hours 48 7%
6-10 hours 115 16%
11-15 hours 82 11%
16-25 hours 63 9%
26-35 hours 19 3%
More than 35 9 1%

4. By the time you graduate from Cal, what is the estimated total amount of loans that you and your parents will have to repay?

 An amount that I don't knowNoneLess than 5,000$5,000 to 14,999$15,000 to 29,999$30,000 to 49,999$50,000 to 74,999$75,000 to $99,999$100,000 or more
You 172 204 43 146 93 34 12 2 5
You24% 29% 6% 21% 13% 5% 2% 0% 1%
Your parents 150 407 12 15 15 10 9 3 4
Your parents24% 65% 2% 2% 2% 2% 1% 1% 1%
Your grandparents or other family 93 499 2 1 2 3 1 0 0
Your grandparents or other family16% 83% 0% 0% 0% 1% 0% 0% 0%

5. How much do you plan to spend on books for this term?

Don't know 71 10%
$100 to $199 172 24%
$200 to $299 169 24%
$300 to $399 118 16%
$400 to $499 72 10%
$500 to $599 63 9%
$600 to $699 31 4%
$700 to $799 6 1%
$800 to $899 10 1%
$900 to $999 3 0%
$1,000 or more 5 1%

6. If you were offered subsidized loans through the Financial Aid office, did you accept them?

Not Applicable; I was not offered subsidized loans 184 26%
Yes, I accepted subsidized loans that I was offered 233 33%
No, I did not accept subsidized loans that I was offered 223 31%
I do not know if I have accepted a subsidized loan 78 11%

6a. Please share with us why you did not accept the subsidized loans.

[Contact OPA for more information]

7. As you start this term, has there been an expense that greatly exceeded your anticipated budget amount?

No 401 56%
Yes (please explain)
[Contact OPA for more information]
310 44%

8. Thanks for taking the time to share information about yourself with us. Is there anything else that you would like to tell us about your experiences as a new Berkeley student?

[Contact OPA for more information]

9. Where would you like to get updated information about the campus? (Please select up to five):

UC Berkeley Home Page - www.berkeley.edu(link is external) 140
UC Berkeley Home Page - www.berkeley.edu(link is external)19%
Berkeley email - Bmail 496
Berkeley email - Bmail68%
myBerkeley App 174
myBerkeley App24%
Campus news portal - UC Berkeley NewsCenter 41
Campus news portal - UC Berkeley NewsCenter6%
The Berkeley Blog 30
The Berkeley Blog4%
Independent student newspaper - Daily Californian 61
Independent student newspaper - Daily Californian8%
Monthly publication of the Cal Alumni Association - California magazine 22
Monthly publication of the Cal Alumni Association - California magazine3%
Newsletter for parents of UC Berkeley undergraduates - Letter Home 35
Newsletter for parents of UC Berkeley undergraduates - Letter Home5%
Campus radio station (90.7 FM) - KALX 27
Campus radio station (90.7 FM) - KALX4%
IT-related news for the campus community - iNews headlines 7
IT-related news for the campus community - iNews headlines1%
Student run magazine - Caliber Magazine 19
Student run magazine - Caliber Magazine3%
Department or Division Websites 62
Department or Division Websites9%
Residence Halls 84
Residence Halls12%
Facebook 225
Twitter 23
YouTube 38
Text message 146
Text message20%
bSpace 231
Info: In-person - fellow student 148
Info: In-person - fellow student20%
Info: In-person - advisor 175
Info: In-person - advisor24%
Info: In-person - faculty 138
Info: In-person - faculty19%
Info: In-person - staff 107
Info: In-person - staff15%
Other social media, please specify:
[Contact OPA for more information]
Other social media, please specify:
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Other, please specify:
[Contact OPA for more information]
Other, please specify:
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